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Blic: September "could be key month to resolve Kosovo issue" (B92)

September could be a key month in resolving the Kosovo issue, writes the daily Blic.

The newspaper writes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will travel to China after visiting to Kosovo, and will then go to New York, where he will speak at the United Nations.
As the solution enters the final stage, Serbia's president is in for a fierce diplomatic offensive throughout September, the daily said.

Serbia’s Vucic Vows Action for “Survival of Kosovo Serbs” (Balkan Insight)

After several days of tension in the north of Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a session of the National Security Council and talked to Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that measures would be taken to strengthen the Serbian army and intelligence services after talks with Patriarch Irinej about what Vucic called the "survival of the Serbian people" in Kosovo.

Vucic after meeting SOC Patriarch Irinej: Pogrom, Storm and Flash never again (KoSSev)

„I want Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija not only to have a nice weekend, but nice weeks and months ahead of us, and I want them to feel safe. I know how difficult it is for them, especially in Metohija, but also for Serbs everywhere,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, following his meeting with Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej in Belgrade on Saturday.

Vucic to meet Patriarch Irinej tomorrow (SRNA, Blic)

President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej would meet tomorrow in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, SRNA news agency reported, quoting President’s press service.

The meeting is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 11.00 and press statement would be issued following the meeting, Serbian media added.

RTS: Abbot Sava interprets Vucic’s statement as rebuttal (Tanjug, RTS, Blic)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery Sava Janjic considers yesterday’s reaction of the President Aleksandar Vucic as rebuttal that there would be division of Kosovo, RTS reports today.

“Excellent, there would be no division of Kosovo and Metohija and there are no talks with Pristina about it. We all probably know there are no peaceful territorial divisions in the history. Srpska Lista is also assuring us there would be no division. How not to trust them? People, sleep peacefully,” Abbot Sava wrote on his Twitter profile, RTS reported.

Srpska Lista rebuts Abbot (Danas

Srpska Lista said late last night it condemns “senseless and dangerous lies” that some sort “of extraordinary working obligation” was imposed to the institutions of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo, Danas daily reported.

Srpska Lista said that spreading of such news comes as a part of “crazed campaign” that is, as they say, run for days against Serbia, President Vucic and Srpska Lista, mainly though social networks and portals financed by several embassies, active in Pristina without accreditation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade.

“North of Kosovo – talks on preparing autonomy” (Danas)

Belgrade-based daily Danas on its front-page reports today on polemics that surfaced following warning of Abbot Sava Janjic on possible staged incidents in the north of Kosovo. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in an interview to TV Pink called warnings “idle talks” adding that nothing has happened, and nothing would happen.

Vucic: Idle talk, nothing happened, God willing, nothing will happen (KoSSev)

„I don’t want anyone to die either in the North or in the South. I devoted all of my time, a tremendous amount of time, and a tremendous amount of energy to it.“

„You invited me to respond to rude and impudent gossip“ – this is how Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, commented for TV Pink TV information about the „recent scenario of a mutually staged incident in the north of Kosovo to provoke partition in the field.“

Fatherland Movement: Vucic is truly fighting not for southern Serbian Province, but for creation of Greater Albania (NSPM)

In a press statement issued this week, Fatherland Movement pointed out that “the message of Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Li Manchang to the Serbian authorities not to hurry to resolve the status of Kosovo and Metohija is a sincere and friendly advice”, because “they waited for nearly a hundred years to take back Macau from the Portuguese and Hong Kong from the British and that Resolution 1244 clearly states that Kosovo and Metohija is part of the Republic of Serbia,” NSPM political portal reported.

Vucic sums up his view of past, and outcome of Kosovo crisis (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92)

To get as much as we can, and lose the least we have to, that is what we are fighting for when it comes to Kosovo, under almost impossible conditions.

This is what President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday, adding that he "believes we will not get less than what Serbia had been offered."

In an interview with Pink TV, Vucic pointed out that, while at it, "we are not fighting against the Albanians, but against many Western countries who are behind Kosovo's independence, including the United Kingdom."