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Vucic and Zaev agree on "5 points" in "long and open" call (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev today had "a long and open" telephone conversation, it has been announced.

They considered "all the newly-created circumstances."

A joint statement said that the Serbian president and Macedonian prime minister reached agreement on five points, cited as follows:

Full statement is available on the link below:

Ditman to Vucic: Internal dialogue, a right move (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with German Ambassador to Serbia, Alex Ditman. They discussed many issues and the most important one was that of Kosovo.
German Ambassador Alex Ditman stressed that internal dialogue for Kosovo is a serious and right move, Serbian media reported.

Vucic said that the internal dialogue as well as resuming of dialogue with Pristina is in the service of long-term peace in the region. He added the region would have a better future if Albanians and Serbs succeed to establish good relations.

Dacic: This was our message to Skopje - we know everything you do (B92, TV Pink)

Serbia's decision to withdraw its embassy staff from Macedonia is in fact "a message to Skopje."

The message is that Serbia "knows what they laid their heads together for, and what they agreed on," First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday.

"That's something not done among friends," Dacic said referring to Skopje's actions, and added that despite this, Serbia was seeking "good relations with all countries in the region, for the sake of peace and stability."

Serbia Pulled Diplomats From Macedonia Over 'Offensive' Actions (Balkan Insight)

Serbian leaders say they withdrew diplomatic staff from Macedonia after receiving intelligence about 'offensive actions' planned against Serbia.

Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian President, on Monday said Serbian embassy staff were withdrawn from Macedonia after Belgrade obtained “evidence of very offensive intelligence against the institutions of Serbia”.

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic gave a similar statement to the news agency Tanjug, also citing “offensive actions against the Republic of Serbia.”

Vučić: Personnel withdrawn due to offensive intelligence (Beta, B92, Sputnik)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that it was decided to withdraw embassy staff from FYROM because the competent authorities provided evidence of very offensive intelligence against the bodies and institutions of Serbia.

Vučić told reporters in Baric, near Belgrade, that there were several reasons for that decision, but that "competent authorities" had established this and presented to him and the Government of Serbia evidence of such action.

Kosovo needs solution, not models (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that although all proposals for resolving the Kosovo issues are welcome, one should bear in mind that a solution is needed and not ideas, such as the "Cyprus model", which practically would mean maintaining a "frozen conflict".

Commenting on proposals to reduce, and then abolishment of UN mission in Kosovo, he pointed out that Serbia believes in the objectivity and status neutrality of the world organization.

Vucic-Trump meeting could happen by end of year (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic "should meet with US President Donald Trump" by the end of the year, writes the Belgrade-based daily Blic.

According to the newspaper - which cited "a source from diplomatic circles in Washington" - Vucic will first meet with US Vice President Mike Pence in New York in September.

Blic said that this meeting, which "should take place around September 20" will effectively represent "an introduction to the meeting with Trump."

B92: "Big powers need crisis to keep Balkans on leash" (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

Whatever model is offered as a platform by Belgrade to solve the decades-old Kosovo and Metohija puzzle, it will not be liked by "world powers."

The daily Vecernje Novosti writes this, adding that this is the case because bringing this painful topic to an end would mean the loss of a lot of leverage that these powers are using to try to keep Balkan nations "on a leash."

What Kosovo Can(‘t) Expect from Vucic’s Call for Dialogue (Balkan Insight)

By: Gezim Krasniqi

Far from signaling a new era in Serbia-Kosovo relations, Vucic’s recent call to ‘get real’ on the issue could lead to attempts to redraw borders.

While optimists may have welcomed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s recent call for an internal debate within Serbia about Kosovo, seasoned observers fear the move will serve to tighten Vucic’s already considerable grip on power.