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"Everyone knows about KLA crimes, but sometimes it's not enough" (N1)

Journalist of Radio-Television of Vojvodina Ljubica Gojgić assesses in a show "Dan uživo" of regional TV N1 that from the political assessment will depend which names will be found on the first indictments of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, N1 reports.

Ban Ki-moon: To establish a court for war crimes (RTK2)

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a report on Kosovo that after the constitution of the government and Parliament should be established a special court for war crimes in Kosovo. "I call on political leaders from Kosovo to double the efforts and strengthen the broad public understanding and consensus on this issue, considering its importance for the future of Kosovo," reads the report. 

Prison for Thaci, Haradinaj, Limaj, Krasnici (Vesti online)

Indictments for the Albanian leaders, which are already certain, and attempts to erase their criminal past are blocking the Kosovo institutions. Hashim Thaci is trying to stay in office, in order to prevent an indictment for trafficking in human organs, which, according to the Court sources, a special prosecutor Clint Williamson has already prepared.

Sonmez connects the "Yellow house" and "Medicus" (Politika)

Dr. Yusuf Sonmez, the first accused in the case of organ trafficking in the case of Pristina clinic "Medicus", was at the airport in Tirana in 1999, where he participated in the transport of human organs from Albania to Western Europe. This is part of the testimony of cooperative witness, given to the Serbian Prosecutor's office, which was presented to international prosecutors Clint Williamson and Jonathan Ratel.

Ban Ki-moon calls for special court for KLA crimes (Vecernje Novosti)

 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Kosovo authorities and the EU to ensure that a special court will be formed no later than early next year, which would deal with the issue of war crimes allegedly committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Kosovo in 1999. “I strongly urge the Kosovo authorities, as well as the supporting European Union structures, to ensure that a specialist court is in place by early 2015,” said Ban in its latest report on the situation in Kosovo, which will be presented to the UN Security Council on 25 August.

Obrad Kesic: Belgrade has never used all the advantages in talks about Kosovo (Danas)

As with many other issues in relation with the EU and America, the key is that government in Belgrade is determined to persist under heavy pressures from Brussels and Washington, in implementing its policy. If the Serbian government makes it clear that any pressure would be counterproductive and possibly cause consequences to the interests of the EU, especially on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia could defend the current position - said in an interview Obrad Kesic, head of Office of Republika Srpska in USA, and former political analyst.

Drecun: Pristina slows down the implementation of the agreement (Tanjug)

The Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun said that there are many questions that need to be open in the area of normalization of relations, but it is obvious that the intention of Pristina is to slow down the process, particularly when it comes to the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO). "The key question is when the executive power in Pristina will be formed. Until that happens, we will not have collocutor to discuss the issue," said Drecun for TV Pink.

Diplomacy with “tied hands” (Danas)

The statement of the prosecutor of the EU Special Investigation Team, Clint Williamson, on the findings of an investigation into the trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, although with the status “temporary announced until a special court for the crimes of the KLA will be established”, provides space for diplomatic and political action of official Belgrade in the fight for Kosovo, believe our diplomatic sources.