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Djuric on possibility of elections, tariffs and meeting with Serbs in Kosovo (Prva TV, BETA, B92, TV N1, Danas, KoSSev)

Representatives of Serbs in Kosovo have shown they can fight and not allow themselves to be merely "a part of folklore," Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said, commenting on the possibility of early parliamentary elections in Kosovo, Serbian media report.

"Unification of Mitrovica" is violation of Brussels agreement (Radio kontakt plus)

Radio kontakt plus reports on topic of the unification of South and Mitrovica North, an initiative launched by Agim Bahtiri, Mayor of South Mitrovica.

“Deciding on the unification of Mitrovica would undoubtedly have major consequences, since, after many years of completely independent functioning of the northern administration, a merger and unification into a single administration is being requested, which under current political circumstances is also counterproductive,” director of non-governmental organization “Aktiv” Miodrag Milicevic said.

Jevtic: SLS is already in government (RTK2, KoSSev)

Commenting on allegations that Independent Liberal Party (SLS) could become part of the Kosovo Government in the upcoming period, outgoing Minister for Communities and Returns and Deputy Prime Minister Dalibor Jevtic said that SLS is already part of the government, and the issue of allocation of ministers’ post is a question for the Kosovo Prime Minister, RTK2 reports.

He added “that those criticizing Serbian List (SL) should go out and visit the people on the ground and before throwing a stone at somebody, they should also say what they had done.”

Simic: Serbs will not accept violent integration of Mitrovica North (TV Pink, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbs from Mitrovica North will not accept the violent integration with Mitrovica South, Srpska Lista Deputy Chair, Igor Simic said, commenting on an initiative to unite the town, Tanjug news agency reported.

“Serbs from northern part of Mitrovica will not accept violent integration into any system, since nobody wants to replace something that is good and has quality with something that does not function,” Simic told TV Pink.

Simic: Brussels should exert pressure on Pristina (RTS)

Representative of Srpska Lista, Slavko Simic told RTS that tomorrow’s meeting of Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, PM Ramush Haradinaj and US Ambassador Philip Kosnett on taxes is of crucial importance, since the future of Belgrade and Pristina dialogue depends on it.

He also urged Brussels and Quint states to exert pressure on Kosovo leaders in order to revoke the taxes and make Kosovo Albanians sit at the negotiation table in Brussels.

Simic: Announcement of new Pristina’s measures an attempt to ghettoize Serbs (Tanjug, TV Most, RTS)

Vice President of Serbian List Igor Simic said late on Sunday that the latest statement by Kosovo Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Izmi Zeka on the preparation of a ban on movement of vehicles from central Serbia is an attempt by Pristina to threaten with a total blockade movement of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija or their ghettoization.

Rakic and D’Addario discussed security situation (Radio kontakt plus)

Srpska Lista Chair Goran Rakic met today with KFOR Commander Major General Lorenzo D’Addario and discussed about the security situation in Kosovo, with focus on northern municipalities as well as areas populated by the Serb community, Radio kontakt plus reported.

The two officials agreed it is important to preserve peace and safe environment for all citizens, Srpska Lista said in a press statement.

Srpska Lista: Bahtiri’s political performance for unification of Mitrovica (RTS, Tanjug)

Srpska Lista (SL) said Agim Bahtiri should know that the Serbian people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are not afraid by his political performances, while his petition on “unification” of Mitrovica he can use “for hygienic purposes only,” Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports.

SL added that Bahtiri “instead of presenting “mad ideas” and increasing inter-ethnic distance should rather deal with usurped Serb apartments and demolished Serb cemeteries in areas under his administrative authority.”

“No Albanian politician in Kosovo without war past” (Tanjug, B92)

“Among active Albanian politicians in Pristina, it is almost impossible to find any one, without a history of involvement in the KLA,” Deputy Chair of Srpska Lista, Igor Simic said, Tanjug news agency reported.

The silence of the international community and a gentle push it is giving to Pristina’s activities, such as forming of the so-called Kosovo army, has contributed that entire Pristina team that would go to Brussels negotiations have war past, Simic underlined.

Sanda Raskovic-Ivic: Srpska Lista biggest shame (Danas, BETA)

Deputy Leader of Peoples’ Party, Sanda Raskovic-Ivic said that Kosovo Albanians did not pass the laws on transformation of Kosovo Security Forces on their own, but with the support of major world powers, BETA news agency reported.

She added, that this act “undermined N SC Resolution 1244 and international law.”