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Vucic: Two biggest nations in Balkans should build peace (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said early today that as far as dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is concerned, "nothing is finished."

"I cannot talk about something that's over, but I can talk about something important for the future of Serbia. If we can do it, and I know that there are small prospects, I know Albanians, I know Serbs, I know why and why the chances are small," he told RTS and added:

"If we do not try to do something for the future of Serbia, in a different and better way, we should not do this job."

Selakovic: Dialogue on Kosovo ongoing in satisfactory manner (RTS, TV Most)

Secretary General of the President of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, stated that the invitation of the President Vucic for internal dialogue on Kosovo is the most important political topic, adding the President is pleased with the way his initiative echoed in the public, RTS reported.

According to him, two different opinions are mostly heard, the one saying it is needed to keep the status quo and the other saying Kosovo should be handed over to the Albanians.

Marsicanin – Dialogue to make truth visible (Radio-Television of Vojvodina)

Adviser to the Leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Dragan Marsicanin thinks the party should accept the invitation of Aleksandar Vucic for internal dialogue on Kosovo in order “to  make the truth visible, and unveil illusions about the patriotic character of the authorities.”

Mother Makarija: Serbia, your faithful children feel like drowning men on the turbulent Kosovo sea (Blic)


“The initiative of the President of the Republic to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo is very positive, only in my humble opinion, it is more than ten years late” Mother of Makarija, Abbess of the Sokolica monastery in Kosovo stated to Blic.

She wondered how come Kosovo is a southern Serbian province, when it was recognized by most of the countries in the world, by accepting the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Brnabic: Government will take part in dialogue (European Western Balkans portal)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic stated today in Podgorica that the Serbian Government will take part in internal dialogue on Kosovo.

She made this remark while talking to the media representatives in Podgorica, adding her strongest impression is the dialogue on Kosovo has already started and this initiative of the President Vucic is very successful.

Division, autonomy, Cyprus model: These are latest proposals for Kosovo (Blic)

While President Vucic is calling for an internal dialogue on Kosovo and considers how to resolve the Kosovo issue, certain scenarios, how to overcome this problem are already surfacing, Blic daily reported today.

Division of Kosovo, personal and territorial autonomy, Cyprus model, economic co-operation and membership of Kosovo in international organizations, these are some of the solutions that one could hear about in the Serbian public.

Decision on Kosovo status only after justice is served for KLA crimes (KIM radio)

Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered Persons in Kosovo, in a letter sent to the Serbian President, requested that the final decision on Kosovo status is made only after “Special Court convicts KLA commanders.”

According to the letter, only after that, an agreement with “honest Albanians” is possible to the benefit of both, the Serbs and Albanians.

Sutanovac: Vucic to present his platform on Kosovo (Dnevnik)

Leader of Democratic Party (DS), Dragan Sutanovac, commenting on a public call of Aleksandar Vucic for internal dialogue on Kosovo, said Serbian President should present his platform, Serbian daily reported.

Sutanovic also stated DS party did not receive an official invitation for talks, but it will consider it, once it arrives.

United Serbia (JS) will take part in dialogue on Kosovo (Tanjug, Politika)

Leader of United Serbia (JS) party, Dragan Markovic aka Palma, stated JS will take part in the dialogue on Kosovo, because its aim is to find a solution that would take into consideration reality on the ground but also interests of Serbia and Serbian population, more respectively ethnic right of Albanians and historic right of Serbs, Serbian media reported.

Ivanovic: Persistently to push dialogue forward (Fonet, Danas)

Leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic expressed hope that President Vucic would remain persistent to push the dialogue forward, Fonet and Danas daily reported.

Ivanovic also recalled that prime ministers Zoran Djindjic and Vojislav Kostunica had idea of wide talks about Kosovo, as well as the Serbian President Boris Tadic, but none of them unfortunately did not manage to push this idea till the end.