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Jevtic: We came to US to realistically present problems of Serbs (Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said the aim of the visit to Washington is to realistically present problems of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

Jevtic with Srpska Lista delegation is paying a visit to the USA, where he will speak about recent incidents against Serbs and their properties in Kosovo.

Vucic: No EU draft of final agreement on Kosovo (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he has not been given any draft of a final agreement on normalizing Belgrade-Pristina relations by someone from the European Union.

“I have not seen a draft or a proposal as an EU paper. I have seen others which I rejected… When something serious arrives I will inform you,” Vucic said.

The Beta news agency said that an official of an EU member state demanded to see the draft of a final Belgrade-Pristina agreement at a recent meeting of EU officials.

Kosovo Prosecution: There were no talks with prosecutor Dolovac (KoSSev, Danas)

Kosovo Prosecution, refuted media reports on the meeting between Serbian State Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac and Kosovo Chief Prosecutor, Aleksandar Lumezi, and that topic of the meeting was an investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder, Serbian media reported.

Kosovo Prosecution said in a written statement a regional roundtable was held in Zagreb on 24 May, including participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, including also USA Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Belgrade expects dialogue with Pristina by end June (BETA, TV N1)

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he expected the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue to continue before the end of June despite obstructions he saw in recent attacks on Kosovo Serbs but added the issue would not be solved without the involvement of the US and Russia.

Vucic said he could not be in Brussels on June 27th and 28th but would be available at any other date.

Vecernje Novosti: US to enter Kosovo dialogue? (Tanjug, B92)

In addition to France, Germany and the Netherlands, which want to be included in the final stages of the Kosovo dialogue, the US also wants to join the process.

According to the daily Vecenje Novosti, a US representative would be tasked with talks at the highest level.

The newspaper cites its sources to report that the US representative would most likely be at adviser level.

According to the article, in order for this to happen, the US is striving to present EU mediator Federica Mogherini as lacking satisfactory results in this process.

Kosovo received “yellow light” from US to act stubborn (Danas)

Pristina received some sort of “yellow light” from Washington to “act stubborn” before the next phase of negations in Brussels on resolving the Kosovo issue, which is shown by the refusal of Kosovo representatives to take part in a new round of technical dialogue, Danas daily reports referring to unofficial diplomatic sources.

Dolovac in Pristina over Oliver Ivanovic murder (Danas)

Serbian State Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac spoke with representative of the Kosovo Special Prosecution, in a meeting of regional prosecutors, organized in Pristina by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Danas daily unofficially learned from diplomatic sources.

The meeting between Dolovac and Kosovo Special Prosecution representative happened with the mediation of Attorney Sessions, and one of the topics discussed was the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP).