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Surroi: No obligation for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities derives from Ahtisaari Package (Koha)

Publicist Veton Surroi writes on his Facebook account today that no obligation to establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities derives from the Ahtisaari Package. “In the capacity of chief negotiator in 2005-2007: Kosovo has not a single obligation from the Ahtisaari Package to establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Kosovo has integrated the rights of non-majority communities (minority rights) in the Constitution of the Republic.

Opposition presents three alternatives to the Prime Minister (Koha)

Activists of the three opposition parties, the Vetevenodsje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), initiated today a symbolic action for the release of the arrested MPs. They stopped in front of the Kosovo Police Headquarters carrying pamphlets “Freedom for Deputies! Down dictatorship!” and “No violence can stop us.”

Zbogar: SAA needs strong institutions and functional Assembly (Koha)

Successful implementation of the Stabilization Association Agreement will be determinant for the future of Kosovo towards the next step, gaining the status of the candidate for European Union membership. For successful implementation of the SAA, Kosovo needs to have strong institutions and a functional Assembly.

Life in a bubble (Koha)

Koha Ditore’s publisher Flaka Surroi writes in an opinion piece that the proposal of the MPs Ilir Deda and Vjosa Osmani for the overcoming of the political crisis has silenced all leaders and the fact that there was not a single statement on the proposal goes to show the lack of interest on the part of the political leaders to resolve their disputes in an institutional manner.


Kosovo counts the least cases of HIV/AIDS in Europe (Koha)

Kosovo is ranked among the countries with low rates of HIV / AIDS, while the health education, the development of diagnostic capacities and the use of antiretroviral therapy have increased the possibilities to deal with this disease.  This was said on Tuesday in Prishtina, in a round-table dedicated to 1 December – World AIDS Day, organized by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and the WHO Office in Pristina.

Thaci: Montenegro’s membership in NATO strengthens security in the region (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hashim Thaci, congratulated Montenegro for acceptance of the invitation to become a NATO member.

He wrote on his Facebook page that Montenegro’s membership at NATO will strengthen security in Balkans.

“Congratulations Montenegro for the invitation for NATO membership. This is a development that strengthens security of the entire Balkans, including Kosovo,” Thaci wrote.

Kerry to stop only at “Adem Jashari” Airport? (Koha)

The United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, will visit tomorrow Kosovo. According to an agenda ensured by Kosovo Police, he is so far foreseen to meet only the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.

This agenda does not foresee the place of the meeting, however, there are rumors that Kerry will only stop at Pristina Airport.

Ilir Deda: Suspension of the opposition, suspension of democracy (Koha Ditore)

Vetevendosje deputy, Ilir Deda, considers suspension of the opposition, suspension of democracy. He wrote on his Facebook page that such suspension did not occur even in Russia, Venezuela or Belarus. “Today’s act marks the end of the Mustafa-Thaci government. PDK-LDK coalition represents the most anti-democratic regime in Kosovo during these 16 years of freedom. Of course I will not participate at the works of the Assembly without my opposition colleagues. The belated change will happen to Kosovo sooner than we thought,” Deda wrote.

Konjufca calls for popular protest to bring down government (Koha)

Glauk Konjufca, head of the Vetevendosje parliamentary group, said today that the government is trying to eliminate the opposition. He called for a popular protest to bring down the government if the opposition is not allowed to attend Assembly sessions. “We will resort to the people. A popular protest to bring down this government,” Konjufca was quoted as saying.