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Vulin: Russia to prevent entry of Kosovo to Interpol (Danas)

Serbian Minster of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin thanked Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin, on the principled position of Russia toward Kosovo and asked the Ambassador, that Moscow, as it was the case so far, does its utmost to prevent entry of Kosovo to Interpol, Danas daily reported.

The two officials also spoke about current military co-operation between the two countries.

Dacic: Russia would support delimitation with Kosovo, if it is our official stance (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

Russia would support the idea on delimitation with Kosovo if it becomes an official stance of Serbia, said the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, adding he is exposed to constant attacks ever since he mentioned division of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

“They call me a traitor, and I have not heard anyone else proposing any other solution,” Dacic said. He further went on saying that great world powers would support the proposition if it becomes an official stance of Serbia.

DSS: Serbia should get out from vicious cycle of European integration (Tanjug, Blic)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) called upon all political stakeholders to state their opinion on the EU conditions, adding the time has come to Serbia to get out from the vicious cycle of the European integration and focus on regulating its own society, freed from the Brussels tutoring, Serbian media reported.

Leader of DSS, Milos Jovanovic said it is necessary to open a discussion in Serbia about the EU.

US and Russia "vying for influence over Serbia"

US and Russia "vying for influence over Serbia"

Moscow's confirmation that it was considering delivering S-300 missile systems to Serbia - only 48 hours after Aleksandar Vucic left the US - is no coincidence.

The Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti writes this on Friday, noting that the S-300 acquisition has been discussed with the Russians in the past, and was "nothing new."

"Russians with an aggressive campaign against Kosovo" (Klan Kosova)

The most distinguished fighter from Kosovo in the Islamic state was Lundrim Muhaxheri. However, after his death, Russian media are writing about a Kosovo women assessing her to be just as dangerous as her compatriot. Russian agency Sputnik reported about her citing allegedly a report of the Kosovo Center for Security Studies. However, director of this organization, Florian Qehaja, refuted Russian media, saying that Russia is leading a wild campaign against Kosovo.

Margarita Simonan – Yesterday Kosovo, today China and Russia (Sputnjik)

The media are able to change entire destinies of people, heads of states, sometimes borders, and Kosovo is the best example of it. Secession would not have been possible without tendentious articles from all the world media about the conflict in Yugoslavia, stated Editor-in-Chief of Sputnik daily and TV Russia Today, Margarita Simonan, Belgrade-based Sputnjik daily reported.

She made these remarks addressing Russian and Chinese Presidents, as well as members of their delegations.

Serbia Will Choose EU Over Russia If Forced, Premier Says (

If Serbia is forced to choose between closer ties with Russia and joining the European Union, it will side with the latter, the country’s new prime minister said. Ana Brnabic said she’d continue a path started by her predecessor, President Aleksandar Vucic, to make the country ready for EU membership by the time her term ends in 2020. Eastern Europe’s first openly gay woman to lead a government, she was handpicked by Vucic to replace him after he won an April vote.

US analysts: Trump has no plan for Balkans, EU is running out of “carrots” (InSerbia)

The new US administration has not yet formulated a policy towards the Western Balkans, and the European Union is running out of “carrots” to motivate the Balkan countries in the implementation of reforms, and again European integration, with Russian obstructions, still remains the best way for the region – US analysts said on Monday on the panel “Western Balkans – Delicate Balance” at the Woodrow Wilson Center.