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Oliver Ivanovic is a political victim: Authorities prefer his murder is not spoken about in public (KoSSev, RTV KIM)

"Many know who is behind the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, but it is a political trade. Everyone is silent. Many behave as if nothing has happened. Nobody wants the murderer to be found because there would be a lot of dirty laundry.“

These were the comments of the previously most influential leader of Serbs from North Kosovo, Marko Jaksic, a leader of Serb European Movement and a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in North Mitrovica, Rada Trajkovic, and journalist and author of „Slobodno srpski“, Budimir Nicic, regarding the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Trajkovic: Northern Kosovo run by mafia, Serbs feel safer in Pristina (Blic)

Leader of Serb European Movement and a former member of the Kosovo Assembly, Rada Trajkovic said last night in Kraljevo not a single murder in the north of Kosovo has been resolved and that the north of Kosovo is run by the mafia, Blic daily reported.

Trajkovic added that following the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, many Serbs feel safer in Pristina than in northern Kosovo.

Trajkovic made these remarks in a debate held in Kraljevo and dedicated to Oliver Ivanovic, his murder, motives for it and the course of the investigation.

Marko Jaksic: General capitulation is expected (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, member of the Serb “Fatherland” Movement from Kosovo told Danas daily Serbs from Kosovo do not know what a plan for Kosovo would contain, but they can sense what it could take from secret visits of the Serbian President to Paris and meeting with Hashim Thaci, as well as from his current stay in New York.

Jaksic for referendum on Kosovo, but in fair conditions (KIM radio)

Citizens of Serbia to declare on Kosovo in a referendum might be the right solution if it takes place under fair conditions, says Marko Jaksic for RTV KiM, a member of the Presidency of the Movement of Serbs from Kosovo "Fatherland".

Jaksic thinks it's time for the Serbs to say whether they prefer the EU or to preserve Kosovo in Serbia. He notes that he personally opposes any division of Kosovo.

Ristic and Jaksic were not invited to the meeting (KIM radio, FoNet)

Independent MP in the Serbian Assembly Slavisa Ristic said  that he was not invited to a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the northern part of Mitrovica, reported on Saturday KIM radio.

Ristic, who is also the former Mayor of Zubin Potok, said he believed that, unlike Kosovo deputies from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in the Serbian Assembly, he was not invited because "there were not supposed to be people who tell the truth about what is happening in the north of Kosovo ".

Dveri: It is necessary to organize referendum on Kosovo (BETA, B92)

It is necessary to organize a referendum in Serbia with a clear question, do you support that Kosovo and Metohija remain in its own state, Dveri Movement announced, Serbian media reported.

Leader of the Dveri Movement, Bosko Obradovic, while presenting the conclusions of the roundtable on the current situation in Kosovo, said he will launch an initiative to establish a working group to prepare acts and documents for the defence of Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia.

Marko Jakšić: "Reign of terror is growing to serious dimensions, but Kosovo and Metohija are not lost for Serbs" (KoSSev Portal)

On Wednesday, member of the “Fatherland Movement” and a former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Marko Jakšić wrote an open letter to the Serbian citizens, because Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić mentioned his name on Tuesday evening, while addressing the Serbian public to explain reasons behind decision of Srpska Lista to support Haradinaj’s government.

Marko Jakišić writes an open letter to Vučić: Seal of treason and dishonor is more important than money and Nobel Prize (NSPM Magazine)

In an open letter to Serbian President Vučić, which was published on 25 July in Nova srpska politicka misao magazine, Marko Jakšić, former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the leading member of “Fatherland” (Otadzbina) movement said that the reason for this letter is Vučić’s “intention to finally solve the status of Kosovo and Metohija”.

“One can feel in the air your desire to get rid of the southern Serbian province, because, for God’s sake, as you say, you will not leave that problem to your children” Jakšić said in his opening remarks.