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Fatherland Movement: Vucic is truly fighting not for southern Serbian Province, but for creation of Greater Albania (NSPM)

In a press statement issued this week, Fatherland Movement pointed out that “the message of Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Li Manchang to the Serbian authorities not to hurry to resolve the status of Kosovo and Metohija is a sincere and friendly advice”, because “they waited for nearly a hundred years to take back Macau from the Portuguese and Hong Kong from the British and that Resolution 1244 clearly states that Kosovo and Metohija is part of the Republic of Serbia,” NSPM political portal reported.

Marko Jaksic: General capitulation is expected (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, member of the Serb “Fatherland” Movement from Kosovo told Danas daily Serbs from Kosovo do not know what a plan for Kosovo would contain, but they can sense what it could take from secret visits of the Serbian President to Paris and meeting with Hashim Thaci, as well as from his current stay in New York.

Slavisa Ristic, president of the People's Movement of Serbs from Kosovo ''Fatherland'' (RTV Mir, Kossev)

MP in the Serbian Parliament Slavisa Ristic from Zubin Potok today was unanimously elected President of the People's Movement of Serbs from Kosovo "Fatherland", report Serbian media based in Kosovo.

More than 70 delegates from the entire territory of Kosovo attended the election assembly.  As vice presidents are elected Dr. Nenad Kojic from Vitina and engineer Nebojsa Radulovic from Leposavic.

The movement ''Fatherland'': Vucic’s visit to Kosovo did not bring anything new (NMagazin, Beta)

The People’s Movement of Serbs from Kosovo ''Fatherland'' issued a press statement on Sunday evening, stating that the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Kosovo didn’t bring anything new, and that he said ''lots of futile promises and messages'' that ''cannot encourage Serbs at all'', reports NMagazin.

Fatherland Movement urges Serbs to boycott local elections (Nova srpska politicka misao (NSPM))

“On the occasion of the upcoming local elections, that are being held under the Constitution and the laws of the separatist authorities in Pristina, National Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija “Fatherland” calls on all Serbs throughout the southern Serbian province to boycott these elections,” reported NSPM.

Marko Jakšić: "Reign of terror is growing to serious dimensions, but Kosovo and Metohija are not lost for Serbs" (KoSSev Portal)

On Wednesday, member of the “Fatherland Movement” and a former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Marko Jakšić wrote an open letter to the Serbian citizens, because Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić mentioned his name on Tuesday evening, while addressing the Serbian public to explain reasons behind decision of Srpska Lista to support Haradinaj’s government.

Fatherland Movement: Vucic would propose two Germany model as solution for Kosovo status (Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, would propose to citizens two Germany model as a solution for the Kosovo status, Fatherland Movement said today referring to “reliable sources,” Kontakt plus radio reported.

Its press statement further reads, that within this model, Serbia should sign with Kosovo a peace treaty, exchange diplomatic representatives and do not obstacle Kosovo to become a UN member.