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UNS: Awards ceremony for the (non) cooperation with the media (Kontakt plus radio)

Award "Beli božur'' for the best cooperation with the media, this year will receive Nenad Rašić deputy in the Kosovo Assembly. The votes of members of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo (UNS) and "Crni Božur" for worst cooperation with the media during 2016 will be delivered to Branimir Stojanović, Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Second place for the best cooperation with the media went to the Cultural Center in Gračanica, and the third to Slavko Simić, the Head of the Serbian List.

Competence of the ZSO in the field of spatial planning is important, but ... (Kontakt plus radio)

Analyst Petar Miletić assesses that if the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities has no jurisdiction in the area of security, education and health it is irrelevant whether or not it will have jurisdiction in the field of spatial planning.

Miletić says that if the ZSO is conceived as a kind of autonomy of Serbs within Kosovo, and as a mechanism of protection against majorization, then certainly should have and the authority to deal with internal urban planning and construction.

A house of returnee set on fire near Klokot (Kontakt plus radio)

House of Stanislav Vukić was set on fire in a hamlet Podgorce near Klokot. Fire-fighters and villagers have prevented the flame to engulf the whole house, RTS correspondent reports.

Vukić is a returnee, at the time of the outbreak of a fire nobody was in the house.

The villagers suspect that it was deliberately set on fire. The police report is expected.



Black and White Peony for (non) cooperation with the media (Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian journalists, members of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) in Kosovo, and this year will hand over White and Black Peony, awards for the best and worst cooperation with media.

Recognition is awarded based on the votes of the Association members; a vote is taken until Thursday.

The award was founded by the UNS in Kosovo, in order to show the positive examples and problems in cooperation with the representatives of media institutions and individuals.


BiH ready to talk with Pristina on visa procedures (Kontakt plus radio)

Bosnia and Herzegovina during the mandate of this government cannot and will not recognize Kosovo's independence, said today the Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak, but expressed willingness to talk with Pristina about simplification of visa procedures and mutual recognition of documents.

"Our decision is that we cannot and will not recognize Kosovo within the mandate of this government on the BiH level, but life must go on in a normal way as much as possible," said Crnadak for Anadolu news agency.



Janjić: ZSO functional as of April (Kontakt plus radio)

Political analyst Dušan Janjić says that Community/Association of Serb municipalities could start to operate from April or May next year.

According to the agreement in Brussels, by the end of this month should be harmonized Statute of the ZSO, and in December the Kosovo government should bring the appropriate decree, said Janjić to Radio Kontakt Plus.

"At this moment we have no information whether the statute is harmonized, this information is missing," said Janjić.

Radojević: Entry ban for the BiH vehicle licence plates (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Deputy Interior Minister Milan Radojević confirms to Tanjug that the entry of vehicles with BiH plates is banned in Kosovo.

"Based on the interpretation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, taking into account that BiH authorities do not allow entrance of vehicles from Kosovo, the Kosovo Police has received instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ban the entrance of vehicles with license plates of BiH", said Radojević to Tanjug last night.