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Kosovo Assembly approves resolution on Thaci’s release (media)

Kosovo Assembly today approved a six-point Resolution through which it called for the immediate release of the Kosovo Police regional director, Nehat Thaci, who was arrested several days ago by Serbian authorities. The Resolution also stresses that any communication of the Kosovo government for the arrest of Mr. Thaci should be made through the Office of the EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini.

Government of Kosovo invites Serbian List to dialogue (Indeksonline)

Days after the Serbian List announced it was suspending its participation in Kosovo institutions, the government of Kosovo has decided to invite the party to join the discussion table and express their concerns. Advisor to PM Isa Mustafa, Bajram Gecaj, told the news website that the government has sent invitation to the Serbian List to discuss their demands and their return to institutional life. “They said they would come”, said Gecaj adding that he hoped the meeting will take place in the coming days.


Osmani: Invite SLS in the Government, remove Serbian List from the coalition (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani, advised the government to breach the coalition with the Serbian List and replace it with the other Serb party Serbian Liberal Party (SLS), which currently has five MPs at the Assembly.

“Parties like the Serbian List should not be part of the government” (Indeksonline)

The news website notes that opposition parties in Kosovo and political analysts have continuously criticised the position of the Serbian List vis-à-vis the state and institutions of Kosovo, some even arguing that parties that don’t recognise Kosovo’s independence should not be part of the central government.

Lekaj: Serbian List boycott may bring tensions in Kosovo (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group chief, Pal Lekaj, said today that Serbian List’s decision to boycott Kosovo Assembly may bring tensions to the situation in northern Kosovo and will contribute to the growing political demands of Serbs in Kosovo. “The decision of the Serbian List to boycott Kosovo institutions may bring tensions in the north,” Lekaj said. These developments, according to him, would have to make Prime Minister Isa Mustafa reflect and pave the way for a new political momentum for Kosovo.

AAK and NISMA: We won’t make compromises that damage the country (Indeksonline)

Opposition parties in Kosovo have not welcomed the government’s request to change their position on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, the news website reports. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they were not willing to make any compromise that damages the country. AAK deputy leader, Ahmet Isufi, said the government needs to dismiss the committee that worked on the border delineation and to resume negotiations with Montenegro. “The government committee made mistakes in their work.

Ymeri accuses Kosovo government for yielding to Serbia (Indeksonline)

Vetëvendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, said that the arrest of the Kosovo Police director for Mitrovica region, Nehat Thaçi, by Serbian authorities on terrorism charges shows to what degree the government of Kosovo has yielded to Serbia. “Serbia is not only not being conditioned for what it did during the war but it is also damaging us in peacetime while our government leaders keep silent and trust in Serbia’s mercy”, said Ymeri. He said that only through a conditioning policy will Serbia change. “Any other action leads to new arrests and other similar moves”, added Ymeri.

Next Assembly session on Friday (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli, said today that the Assembly Presidency has decided that the next Assembly session will be held on Friday and that Trepca bill will be part of the agenda. He said he was confident that the bill will pass.  Veseli also said that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will be put into vote soon.