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Kurti announces war against ZSO (Vecernje Novosti)

Movement Self-Determination is planning to organize a referendum and unrest due to the formation of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo.

The leader of the radical opposition movement Vetevendosje and member of the Assembly of Kosovo announced in Tirana that he has 100,000 signatures against the ZSO and that there will be a referendum.

ZAO failed (Blic)

Local elections in Medvedja showed that the idea of ​​Albanian parties from southern Serbia on forming a Community of Albanian Municipalities (ZAO) is not possible. Victory of the election list SNS-SPS-PUPS (Progressives, Socialists and Pensioners) and defeat of the Albanian parties showed that Medvedja will not be part of the announced ZAO, which is expected to join the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac.

Drecun: Creation of the association of Albanian communities unacceptable(RTS)

The chairperson of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said to RTS that creation of association of Albanian municipalities is an extreme and unacceptable thing. In no way can any parallel be made with the Association/Community of Serb municipalities. The main goal is influence on the Brussels Agreement, claims Drecun.


Resolution 1244 is still valid for Serbia (TV Most)

Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun met with the rapporteur of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Agustin Conde. They discussed the issues of human rights, establishment of democratic standards and the fight against corruption and organized crime in Kosovo.

Only compromise possible for Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS, Blic, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia considers Kosovo as an unalienable part of its territory and wishes to continue the search for a solution to the Kosovo issue through peaceful means only, compromise and agreements, Chairman of the Serbian parliament Committee on KiM, Milovan Drecun said in the talks with Chairman of the Russian State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Alexey Pushkov.

Citizens decide on preamble (Vecernje Novosti)

Even if the citizens of Serbia would decidein referendum to possibly change the preamble of the Constitution the territorial integrity of country would not be jeopardized, claim the members of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). However, they explained that change of the preamble is not a priority in the upcoming comprehensive reform of the political system.

Overture and solutions (not) negotiated (Danas)

Why the 11 German conditions, for the opening of Chapter 35 in the EU and Serbia negotiations, which are related to Kosovo, have become a major theme these days about which Ivica Dacic, Serbian Foreign Minister was talking about in all media? How is it related to the forthcoming round of negotiations between prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, on 21 April in Brussels? Interlocutors of Danas in Belgrade and Mitrovica gave different answers to these questions.

Army of Kosovo only with the help of Serbs (Vesti)

Repeating the story on the army of Kosovo and a new draft law on the armed forces, the authorities in Pristina try to make room for political pressure and manoeuvre for negotiation with Belgrade in Brussels. It is necessary to modify the Constitution of Kosovo in order to create the legal basis for the military, which means that Serb representatives in the Kosovo parliament need to vote.