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"Genocide lawsuit" plans are "insult to victims" (B92, Tanjug)

Parliamentary Committee on Kosovo and Metohija chairman Milovan Drecun says Hashim Thaci's announcement of a "genocide lawsuit" was "an insult to the victims."

Drecun, an MP from the ruling SNS party, said on Monday he believes that Kosovo cannot move forward unless it sets up a special war crimes court in the next few months.

Drecun: Pristina’s failure to act is encouraging migration (Blic)

Pristina’s failure to act indirectly encourages mass exodus of Albanians, said President of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun. He added that the intention of Pristina is to politically abuse discontent of the people, which go in search for a better life, so that Brussels would pressure Belgrade to recognize Kosovo as a state. He said that it is a kind of blackmail which Pristina applied successfully since the arrival of the international community. 

Upgrading the policy, or stories for children (Danas)

To which extent a new document, announced by the Serbian President Nikolic, can go out from the framework of Brussels Agreement, whose full implementation is condition for continuing Serbia's European integration?

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) believes that document presents the upgrade of the process, which should prepare Serbia for all the surprises on the road to the EU. The opposition claims that it is a manipulation that will conceal the acceptance of the Brussels ultimatum.

Dacic to meet Thaci, but without flags (Vecernje Novosti)

In 2015, Serbian officials will travel to Pristina and meet with representatives of the Kosovo provisional institutions, but Belgrade officials claim that these will not be bilateral meetings.

Despite the fact that the newly elected Kosovo Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said that he had already invited both Serbia’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo, and that there is willingness for this to happen, a necessary condition would be for the meetings to adopt a status-neutral format.

Serbian community estimates the model of South Tyrol (Vecernje Novosti)

Political representatives of the region Trentino – South Tyrol claim that their model of autonomy can be "exported" to other countries, and exactly this "model" has attracted the attention of the Serbian Steering team in drafting the Statute of the future Community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo (ZSO).

Difficulties in prosecuting those responsible for war crimes in Kosovo (KiM radio)

The prosecution of those responsible for crimes against Serbs in Kosovo aggravated by the fact that the suspects were not available to judicial authorities, but also the fact that prosecutors in Serbia were denied access to evidence and witnesses in Kosovo, said the Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor of Serbia Dragoljub Stankovic.

Invasion of Pristina onto the Council of Europe (Vecernje Novosti)

Kosovo's conditional admission to the International Olympic Committee only intensified Pristina’s appetites, whose power, though in a semi-technical mandate, do not waste time and daily is lobbying to raise the ramp in a number of international organizations.

As for Novosti said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Serbia will be against membership of Pristina in all organizations, in which it is possible, if it is not in accordance with the Brussels Treaty:

- Wherever Kosovo is marked with an asterisk, their presence is not disputed.