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Ombudsman: Institutions to take action against violence in schools (Telegrafi)

The Ombudsman of Kosovo, Hilmi Jashari, in a press statement on Monday stressed that the increase in acts of violence in schools should be of concern to state institutions responsible for enduring respect for the rights of children, whith special emphasis on physical integrity and their human dignity.  Jashari said the violence remains unacceptable, intolerable and contrary to the legislation in force. Kosovo’s Constitution stipulates that every child has the right to be protected from violence, abuse and exploitation.

Vetëvendosje sprays paint at Meha’s car to protest against border demarcation agreement (Telegrafi)

Vetëvendosje activists sprayed paint today at the car of Murat Meha, head of Kosovo government’s commission for border demarcation with Montenegro. In a statement, Vetëvendosje said that Meha is one of the people most responsible for, as it said, giving away land to Montenegro through the border demarcation agreement.  “Vetëvendosje Movement will continue its symbolic and direct actions until the agreement is recalled. Kosovo has no land to give away”, the statement reads.

PDK: Bahtiri needs such situations to draw attention from failures (Telegrafi)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) branch in Mitrovica, through a press release today condemned the attack with Kalashnikov on municipal building in Mitrovica. “This incident is unacceptable and the relevant authorities must shed light on this case as soon as possible. At the same time, the PDK considers that this situation is a result of actions and tricks of Mayor Agim Bahtiri. The citizens are tired of his unfulfilled promises for employment and welfare.

Mustafa: War veterans’ figure exceeds estimates (Telegrafi)

The Kosovo government reviewed today the report of the commission for recognition and verification of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veterans. Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi, said the commission has completed the verification process and concluded that there are 46,230 war veterans. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said this figure exceeds all estimates of budgetary sustainability.  He said that while the government acknowledges the commission’s report, certain issues are yet to be regulated.

Vetevendosje MP warns with uncompromising resistance against two agreements (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, said in an interview for TV Dukagjini that, the Kosovo government is “trying to smuggle in the Assembly two anti-constitutional agreements that it signed in Brussels”. Kadaj-Bujupi said her party would engage in a powerful and uncompromising resistance in the Assembly in order to prevent the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “Our opposition will be even stronger than in the last eight months.

PDK ready for government’s substantial reformation (Telegrafi)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is ready for a radical reformation of the government, which means not only changing the names, but also substantive and programmatic reform, unidentified sources told the news site. According to these sources, the PDK is ready to reduce the number of ministries, from 19 to only 11 ministries, if the coalition partner Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) agrees to it. The PDK leader Kadri Veseli during this week is expected to meet Prime Minsiter Isa Mustafa to discuss these issues.

AAK, NISMA ready to renegotiate Association/Community (Telegrafi)

The news site covers a joint press conference held today by Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). Haradinaj said that Serbia’s interference in Kosovo and the bad governance are two of the most pressing issues in Kosovo. Haradinaj and Limaj stated that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities should be renegotiated after the findings of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo that the agreement is not fully in line with the Constitution.

Veseli: Kosovo will continue to fight corruption and organized crime (Telegrafi)

Kosovo's Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, met on Tuesday with the European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn. Hahn said that all actors in Kosovo should give their utmost commitment to Kosovo’s European path. “Kosovo is in the right path towards EU integration, but you have to continue with hard work”, said Hahn. Meanwhile, Veseli said that Kosovo institutions will focus all their energy and capacities on the fulfillment of the requirements of the integration process.

Hahn: Conclusion of demarcation with Montenegro in interest of both countries (Telegrafi)

The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, Johannes Hahn, met today in Pristina with Kosovo's Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa. Hahn stated in a press conference after the meeting, that it was in the best interests of Kosovo and Montenegro to conclude the border demarcation process. “It is in the interest of both countries to resolve this matter and move forward with the European perspective. Your ultimate goal should be to join the European Union,” he said. Prime Minister Mustafa said that Kosovo has no dispute with Montenegro.

Opposition parties firm on border demarcation deal (Telegrafi)

Opposition parties seem likely to stand firm in their determination to oppose the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro despite the European Commission's (EC) position that its ratification is a condition for visa liberalization. Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said that this condition is unjust and added that such a demand was not imposed on other countries of the region before granting their visa liberalization. “We are not ready to make compromises with our territory”, said Haxhiu.