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Mustafa meets experts from demarcation commission (Telegrafi)

Today Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met international experts part of the ad-hoc commission on border demarcation with Montenegro established by President Atifete Jahjaga. The meeting was confirmed by Mustafa’s advisor Bajram Gecaj. “Prime Minster Mustafa expressed the full readiness of the Government of Kosovo to provide any contribution that may be required by the commission,” Gecaj wrote on Facebook.

President Jahjaga visits village of Krusha in Rahovec (Telegrafi)

President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, visited the village of Krusha yesterday, in the municipality of Rahovec. There she met with women, members of the village cooperatives and received detailed information on the work process and difficulties faced by the members and leaders of the cooperatives, Fahrije Hoti. During the talks with women of Krusha, President Jahjaga said that she will be a powerful voice for them and that she has used their example often at several meetings she has had in Kosovo and abroad.

“Non-election of PRB members doesn’t threaten visa liberalization” (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today that the failure of the Kosovo Assembly to elect the members of the Procurement Review Body will not impact the visa liberalization process for Kosovo. “I think there is no reason why this should threaten the visa liberalization process. We have met all the criteria.

Police arrest Vetevendosje’s Xhelal Svecla (Telegrafi)

The news site reports that Kosovo Police arrested Xhelal Svecla, Inspection Director at Pristina municipality and member of the Vetevendosje Movement, this morning. Media recall that the prosecution had issued an arrest warrant for Svecla over an action by the Vetevendosje Movement that resulted in the demolition of EULEX vehicles in 2013.

Police arrest person connected to Molotov attack on PM Mustafa’s house (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Police issued a press release saying that a person connected to the Molotov cocktail attack on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s house was arrested last night. According to the police, the suspect was part of a group of masked persons that threw Molotov cocktails at the police and Mustafa’s house during the opposition protest on 26 February. The suspect is reported to be Kushtrim Avdimetaj, member of Vetevendosje.

Mustafa: We have met all visa liberalisation criteria (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said Kosovo institutions have met all necessary criteria of the visa lbieralisation process. He said he was hopeful that next week when the European Commission experts are due to visit Kosovo and assess it against the visa liberalisation criteria they would decide not to delay issuing a positive recommendation for Kosovo. Mustafa said that the criteria regarding office space for the Ombudsperson Institution has been met and that the programme for the procurement review authority will be ready by next week.

Thaci: We only violated dictator Milosevic's laws (Telegrafi/Die Presse)

Kosovo’s President-elect Hashim Thaci has ruled out claims that he could have been involved in war crimes committed during the Kosovo conflict again.

Serbian media are reporting that refugees are travelling through Kosovo to Central Europe. Is there a new refugee route here?

Government approves regulation on reintegration of repatriated persons (Telegrafi)

The government of Kosovo in its routine meeting today approved a regulation on reintegration of repatriated persons and management of the reintegration program. The regulation is part of the visa liberalization roadmap and is aimed at supporting sustainable reintegration of the persons repatriated in Kosovo. It also identified the relevant decision-making, implementing, and coordinating authorities and determined the criteria for benefits and assistance that the repatriated persons are entitled to.

Marching, not celebrating (Telegrafi)

Civil society activists today marched in Pristina demanding more rights for women on the occasion of International Women's Day.   'We march, we don’t celebrate’, ‘My body, my choice’,’ Anti sexism’ and ‘working women’ were some of the banners of women who protested today.  The march was organized by Kosovo Women Network (KWN). Igballe Rogova, executive director of KWN said this was a message for Kosovo institutions and society that gender-based violence is still present in Kosovo.
