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The government is risking Serbia's entry into the European Union (Danas)

Serbian President, aware of the content of the Brussels Agreement, is trying to distance himself from the Government, and approach the voters who have been betrayed with the empty stories of entry in the EU and cooperation with the West. The government will again ignore Nikolic’s proposal, as last time, and he will say that at least he offered something. 

Miscevic: Dialogue continuation brings opening of Chapter 35 (Blic, Tanjug)

Tanja Miscevic, head of Serbia's negotiating team with the EU, said  that she expects that Chapter 35 on Kosovo will be opened shortly after the continuation of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

After one or two rounds of the dialogue on normalization of the relations with Pristina, which will be held at the highest political level, I expect that Chapter 35 on Kosovo will be opened, and this will include monitoring of everything that was agreed in Brussels, Miscevic said for Belgrade TV Pink.

Too early to talk about solution for Kosovo (B92)

 Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that it is "too early to talk about a comprehensive solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue. He also added he was "in a constant contact with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic in this regard."

"There are countless interpretations of the Brussels agreement, and difficult talks in difficult conditions are ahead of us," Vucic said, commenting on the continuation of the EU-brokered dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the implementation of the agreement reached in Brussels on February 9.

Imports of goods in northern Kosovo only with Kosovo licenses (Blic)

The companies which to date have not submitted requests for Kosovo licenses will not be able to import goods to the north from tomorrow. This rule does not imply only to companies which import medicines and medical equipment and which were given the deadline until 31 May 2015 to regulate the Kosovo licenses.

The necessity of possessing a license Kosovo is the result of an agreement on customs between Belgrade and Pristina, which was reached in Brussels on 17 January 2013. 

Cliff: EU is being 'soft' with Serbia (Radio Kosova)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ian Cliff said in an interview for Radio Kosova, that it is true that European Union (EU) is being ‘soft’ with Serbia - when it comes to the issues related to Kosovo.  Cliff said that this is happening because of the five member states that have not recognized Kosovo and they agree with Serbia’s position on the matter.  According to Cliff, Serbia now is being asked to normalize relations with Kosovo and implement the Brussels agreements, although there is much to be done.

North under the control of Belgrade, not Pristina (Vesti online)

“Serbia does not need to fully meet the international community’s requirements and dismantle parallel structures in Kosovo,” said Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. “Brussels’ request for Serbia to abolish all parallel institutions in northern Kosovo should not be accepted because that would mean that we are giving up our principles.”

Upgrading the policy, or stories for children (Danas)

To which extent a new document, announced by the Serbian President Nikolic, can go out from the framework of Brussels Agreement, whose full implementation is condition for continuing Serbia's European integration?

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) believes that document presents the upgrade of the process, which should prepare Serbia for all the surprises on the road to the EU. The opposition claims that it is a manipulation that will conceal the acceptance of the Brussels ultimatum.

Vucic: Continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialog on 9 February (IRS)

The dialog of the delegation of Belgrade and Pristina will resume in Brussels on February 9, it has been confirmed by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic. He has specified that in the next round of the talks he would be joined by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, while the other side will be represented by Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and their Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci. Vucic has added that he discussed that subject with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini.

Kosovo office head warns against "inflammatory rhetoric" (Blic, B92)

Marko Djuric says the Brussels agreement should be respected and inflammatory rhetoric avoided when speaking about the community of Serb municipalities.

The head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija also called for honoring of the coalition agreement on which the current Kosovo government is based.

He was reacting to a statement by the Kosovo minister in charge of the dialogue with Belgrade, Edita Tahiri, concerning the future community of Serb municipalities.