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Blic: Kosovo scenario ready, if a Paris meeting happens (Serbian media)

Belgrade based daily Blic writes today that framework could be formulated for resolving the Kosovo problem at the meeting of the region's leaders with Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron in Paris on July 1.

According to the daily, the final proposal should be harmonized by the end of the year.

If such a scenario comes up, Blic writes, a referendum on Kosovo could be held together with regular parliamentary elections in the spring of next year.

Vucic calls Merkel to help; Dacic says meeting in Paris questionable (FoNet, N1)

Serbia’s President asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel over the phone to help with breaking the deadlock in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, Aleksandar Vucic’s office said on Saturday.

Serbia is completely committed to the dialogue which is facilitated by the European Union with the intention to reach a compromise, a solution that is acceptable to both sides and secures stability in the region, he told Merkel.

Dacic: Dialogue on resuscitation (Blic, N1)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday that the dialogue with Pristina was on resuscitation and that the continuation depends on the "reanimator", that was, those who should inhale a life into it, reported Belgrade based daily Blic.

At a news conference after meeting with Miroslav Lajcak, Dacic said that Pristina had the goal of obstructing dialogue and find a solution, as it assessed that it was not in their interest and the way, they drawn it.

Vucic: Paris meeting, if it happens, more important than UN session (RTS, FoNet, N1)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster on Monday that the next week’s UN Security Council session on Kosovo would be less important than a meeting in Paris with the same issue on the agenda in July “if it happens,” the FoNet news agency reported.

Vucic: We have prepared strong measures as response to Pristina (RTS)

President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today with political representatives of Serbs and the most important Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, RTS reports. We have prepared strong measures of limited character as a response to Pristina’s behavior, however we would wait for the meeting in Paris, Vucic told RTS, after the meeting.

Djuric: Eventual countermeasures in agreement with Serbs from Kosovo (Tanjug, B92, RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said there would be serious talks regarding eventual countermeasures against Pristina. Djuric noted all steps of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the government would be made by taking into consideration stance of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija.

Thaci again pokes Belgrade in the eye (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Announcing the concept of a meeting with the Serbian delegation in Paris on July 1, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has once again "poked Belgrade in the eye," Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti write today.

Daily write that he announced he would present at the talks hosted by French President Emamnuel Macron the idea that Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja join the "territory of the Republic of Kosovo." It would be, he considered, "correcting the historical injustice," Novosti reports.

"Insulted, not humiliated" - how Serbia faired in France (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92, BETA)

Serbia has not been humiliated, but it is insulted by the seating arrangement during a ceremony in Paris to mark 100 years since the end of WW1, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Wednesday, referring to the scandal that occurred on Sunday.

Vulin told TV Pink that "neither Serbia nor President Aleksandar Vucic had been humiliated, but they have been insulted."

Chepurin on Kosovo “hallways diplomacy” (RTS)

Kosovo special operation “hallways diplomacy” continues, but it in no way influences the Russian position, Ambassador Alexander Chepurin told RTS.

Commenting on Paris ceremony protocol gaffes, Chepurin noted the world would always remember the heroism of the soldiers who won the war, “and among them distinguished place belongs foremost to the Serbian, Russian and French heroes.” Ambassador Chepurin also added that “the history is stronger than ceremonies,” RTS reported.

Novosti: Kouchner, Tachi’s “connection” for seat behind Putin? (Vecernje Novosti)

Privileged seat for Hashim Thaci during the ceremony to mark the end of WWI in Paris on November 11, was most probably arranged by Bernard Kouchner, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today.

The daily adds, two days prior to the ceremony, Thaci posted a photo with Kouchner in Paris on his Twitter profile. Bernard Kouchner is former head of French diplomacy, former head of UNMIK, and great friend of so-called Kosovo.