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Patriarch Irinej denied taking political sides (Beta, N1, TV Hram)

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church said that he does not belong to any political side and urged unity for the sake of the survival of the Serb nation.

“I do not belong to any political side. I would like and I pray that there will be no divisions among us but a single policy, a single view and one path – the good of our people,” Patriarch Irinej said in an Easter interview to TV Hram which has been published on Good Friday.

Abbot Sava Janjic warns of possible Serbs' migration from Kosovo caused by the idea of demarcation (TV Hram, RFE, KIM radio)

Abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery Sava Janjic told the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) TV Hram that due to some political solutions mentioned, it may happen that the Serbian people disappear from Kosovo, citing the idea of demarcation.

"Today we are facing a particularly great temptation, because with certain solutions that are sought on a political plan, it can happen that our people completely leave this region, or more than ever before in history," said Abbot Sava.