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Vasic: None of four arrested Serbs was charged with murder (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica)

Defence lawyers of the four arrested Serbs held a press conference in the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in Mitrovica North on Saturday evening.

During the conference, lawyer Dejan A. Vasic said that the four Serbs arrested in Mitrovica North on Friday were not charged with the murder. All four were sentenced to 30-day detention and would be placed in the high-risk prison in Podujevo. The lawyers of the arrested persons will file an appeal on Monday for all four Serbs and seek the termination of the detention.

Covic: Maybe it would be better if there is no KFOR, so we resolve this issue (TV Prva, B92)

Nebojsa Covic, former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija told Prva TV, Kosovo Albanians would not be able to carry out police action this morning, if they had no support from the outside. “Nothing happens without knowledge of Washington,” Covic said.

“That is the pattern. You create new problems, and everything else is pushed aside. Who still remembers the “Yellow House” case, the Brussels agreement, Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Special Court for KLA war crimes?” Covic asked.

Rakic: If ROSU did not withdraw, war would start (B92, TV Prva)

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic told Prva TV three persons were arrested in this town early this morning, including Kosovo police officer and two citizens. All of them are Serbs. Rakic also added, arrested persons were brutally beaten up.

According to Rakic, the excuse used for action was that the arrests are made in relation to Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, however Rakic doubts this version and believes it is about diverting attention from yesterday’s events.

ROSU arrested Serbs in north, shootings, sirens heard (B92, TV Prva, RTS)

Kosovo special police units, ROSU, early this morning entered Mitrovica North and arrested three persons, B92 reports. The media also added shootings were heard, and the sirens were on.
Dragisa Markovic (Kosovo police member), Sasa Curcic and Milos Rosic are arrested, according to the Serbian media. Following the police action, citizens gathered at Mitrovica North main square.
Meanwhile, RTS reported that 4 Serbs were arrested, two of them Kosovo police members, and that they are sent to the police station in Mitrovica South.

Kosovo: One year since integration of judiciary (Radio kontakt plus)

NGO Aktiv organised a public debate within its Mitrovica Social Club on the occasion of the first anniversary since the integration of judiciary, Radio kontakt plus reported.

Judge of Kosovo Supreme Court Jelena Krivokapic said perhaps the only and the biggest advantage of integration is that citizens do not have to seek justice before two different courts, i.e. in two different legal systems.

Orthodox dignitaries visited St. Demetrius Church in Mitrovica North – Serbian, Russian, Church Slavonic heard (KoSSev)

We have received an icon as a gift in such days when we are all making great efforts to survive in this town, not by our own strength, but by the power of God and the hope of the Mother of God – the Bishop of Raska and Prizren Teodosije praised the new gift presented to the Church of St. Demetrius in North Mitrovica, KoSSev portal reports.

Zubin Potok: Privately-owned car torched (KoSSev)

A private vehicle, a Golf 7, white in colour, KM registration plates, owned by an ethnic Serb was torched early this morning in Donje Varage village, in the Zubin Potok municipality, Deputy Head of Regional Police North, Besim Hoti, told KoSSev on Saturday.

The fire was reported this morning at 2:44h. The vehicle was parked, most likely in the yard of the car owner’s house.

Police and fire brigade units responded, and the prosecutor was notified. The fire was reported to be a case of arson.

Serbs give up neither ZSO, nor living in Kosovo and Metohija (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)

The Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (ZSO) is not a political but rather living matter, and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija shall never give up on it and would continue living in Kosovo and Meothija.

These are the main messages from a gathering Srpska Lista organized in Mitrovica North today, on the occasion of 2000 days since Pristina took over obligation to establish the ZSO, and the EU guaranteed it with its signature, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Srpska Lista calls for a rally today to mark „2000 days“ of having no ASM (KoSSev, TV Most)

Srpska Lista, in a statement issued by TV Most on Tuesday evening announced it will organize a rally on Wednesday to mark the „2000 days“ since the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities was supposed to be formed according to the Brussels Agreement, KoSSev portal reported.

The rally is to be organised close to the Ibar Bridge.