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Students responded to German Ambassador: Serbs in Kosovo same as before WWII (RTS, Tanjug)

Students of Pristina University, temporarily dislocated to Mitrovica North responded to German Ambassador in Pristina, Christian Heldt saying they had no intention to insult Germany with their performance “Kosovoschwitz” but to point out the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija find themselves in a similar situation as before the WWII, Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports.

In an open letter to Ambassador Heldt, who condemned performance and termed it as “inappropriate” and “disgusting”, students said they were surprised by his reaction.

German ambassador on „Kosovoschwitz“ performance: The parallel is over the line and disgusting, read history books! (Kossev)

The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt reacted to today’s “Kosovoschwitz” performance of students from the University of Pristina held in North Mitrovica. Heldt said that the parallel that these students drew between the present situation and the Holocaust is „over the line“ and „disgusting“.

The students’ performance was organized in protest to Pristina’s tax increase on imports of products from Serbia and the arrest of three Serbs suspected of being involved with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Court of Appeals returned decision on detention for three Serbs from Mitrovica (Radio KIM)

The Court of Appeals returned a decision on detention for the three Serbs from Mitrovica accused of having connections with Oliver Ivanovic murder case for second deliberation, Radio KIM reports.

The first instance court would therefore again decide on detention order for N.S, M.R, and D.M.

“According to the Court of Appeals, the first instance court did not provide clear reasons for determining facts related to reasonable doubt that arrested persons committed criminal acts under the investigation, grave murder and revealing the official secret,” the Court statement reads.

Protest in north: Authorities in Kosovo attempt to provoke conflicts (Radio kontakt plus)

Citizens taking part in today’s protest in Mitrovica North repeated request to lift taxes Pristina imposed on the goods from central Serbia, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Goran Rakic, Chair of Srpska Lista and chief of the Crisis Headquarters urged again EU and international community to use all available mechanisms and instruments to make Pristina abolish its anti-civilization measures.

He warned that the Serbian people are on the verge of humanitarian disaster, since the food and medicaments’ supplies are decreasing.

Aleksandar Curic placed under house arrest (RTS)

Aleksandar Curic, who was arrested by the Kosovo police in Mitrovica North, was transferred from Podujevo prison and placed under house arrest, his attorney Srdjan Mitrovic confirmed to RTS.

Curic would spend the next 20 days under the house arrest. He is one of the four Serbs arrested during the action of Kosovo police in Mitrovica North. Curic is charged with obstructing police to carry out official duties.



Court employees in Mitrovica back to work (Danas, KoSSev)

Employees of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, located in the north, have returned to their work, which they interrupted on Tuesday as a sign of solidarity with citizens protesting the introduction of 100 percent taxes on the goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, KoSSev portal reports.

It was also reported that staff members have returned to their duties, and it is expected all hearings to be held as per schedule.

Mitrovica North: Students protest, urge Europe not to remain silent (KIM Radio)

Protest of students from Pristina University temporarily located in Mitrovica North took place today under the slogan “Europe, res non verba!” KIM Radio reports.

During the protests, students urged the international community not to turn a blind eye to the discrimination of entire people, and to stand in defense of their own values.

Students also added that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija defend the rights to the basic human dignity and mere lives and have no room to make concessions, since any more concession would lead them to death or exodus, KIM Radio reported.

Now Albanian wants to become mayor of "united" Mitrovica (B92, KoSSev)

Following the resignation of North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic, South Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri has sent a request to the Kosovo government. According to the northern-Kosovo based KoSSev website, Bahtiri is proposing that he should govern a "united (Kosovska Mitrovica)."

"I demand that the Kosovo government take all the necessary legal actions to immediately abolish the decision to divide Mitrovica into two municipalities, “ Bahtiri wrote on his Facebook profile.

Court employees in Mitrovica also suspend their work (TV Most)

Employees of the Court in Mitrovica North have decided to suspend their work in solidarity with citizens who are protesting in four municipalities in northern Kosovo.

In a letter sent to the President of the Cour, it is said that in the past week, the decision of Kosovo government has introduced a political embargo that jeopardized not only human and civil rights, but also questioned the physical existence of Serbian people throughout Kosovo.

Pristina keeps arrested Serbs in "high security" prison (RTS, B92)

Serbian List deputy leader Igor Simic told RTS that the Serbs, arrested in a Kosovo police unit Rosu raid on Friday, are being kept in a high security prison.

Simic also said that representatives of the emergency HQ (in Mitrovica North) have spoken with the families of the four Serbs and their lawyers.