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The Assembly of Kosovo to gather on Thursday, demarcation and EULEX not in the agenda (Gazeta Express)

The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo decided to hold the next Assembly session on Thursday, 16 June, at 10:00 hours. The issue of the demarcation of the border with Montenegro was not even mentioned at the meeting. Discussions and voting on the extension of the EULEX’s mandate for two additional years, did not make the 17 points of Thursday’s agenda. However, the President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli,  said that he believes that there will be a decision and agreement among the parties very soon.

Vetëvendosje: Extension of EULEX mandate, renouncement of justice (Klan Kosova)

Vetëvendosje Movement issued a press release following the decision of the government of Kosovo to extend the mandate of the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) until 2018 saying that the move renounces justice. “EULEX’s lifespan cannot be extended as its presence serves no gain”, said Vetëvendosje. It added that EULEX was installed in Kosovo under the promise that it would fight crime and corruption and strengthen the local rule of law system. “None of these two promises came true because the real goal of EULEX was never justice in Kosovo.

Vetëvendosje and AKR reach coalition deal in Pristina (Telegrafi)

Vetëvendosje Movement and the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) have reached a coalition deal in the Municipality of Pristina. The deal gives AKR two municipal directorates, that of culture and agriculture. AKR, in turn, has four seats at the municipal assembly. Vetëvendosje recently reached a coalition deal in Pristina with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK).

Konjufca: Radical actions if government sends agreements to the Assembly (Kallxo)

Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief, Glauk Konjufca, said in an interview for the news site that “there will be radical actions” if the government decides to send the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities to the Assembly for ratification. “Boycotting the work of the Assembly is becoming counter-productive.

Crisis is deepening (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of the paper notes that return of the biggest opposition party at the Assembly is a warning for return of the tensioned sessions and deepening of political crisis. Vetevendosje movement has ended its boycott of the Parliament, on the verge of the ratification of the agreement for demarcation of the border with Montenegro and re-actualization of the Association/Community of the Serb-majority Municipalities.

AAK still undecided whether to return to Assembly (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) responded positively to the call for a joint meeting between the three opposition parties, initiated by the leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri. AAK’s senior member and spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, told the news site that the AAK is ready for a joint meeting, however, they first need to know the topics to be discussed during that meeting.  “We are open to meet anyone, but it depends on what will be discussed during those meetings.

Vetëvendosje sprays paint at Meha’s car to protest against border demarcation agreement (Telegrafi)

Vetëvendosje activists sprayed paint today at the car of Murat Meha, head of Kosovo government’s commission for border demarcation with Montenegro. In a statement, Vetëvendosje said that Meha is one of the people most responsible for, as it said, giving away land to Montenegro through the border demarcation agreement.  “Vetëvendosje Movement will continue its symbolic and direct actions until the agreement is recalled. Kosovo has no land to give away”, the statement reads.

Vetevendosje MP warns with uncompromising resistance against two agreements (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, said in an interview for TV Dukagjini that, the Kosovo government is “trying to smuggle in the Assembly two anti-constitutional agreements that it signed in Brussels”. Kadaj-Bujupi said her party would engage in a powerful and uncompromising resistance in the Assembly in order to prevent the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “Our opposition will be even stronger than in the last eight months.

Border demarcation to reunite opposition parties? (Kallxo)

Officials from the three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have not ruled out the possibility of joining their forces to oppose the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The agreement is expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly within two months. Vetëvendosje spokesperson Frashër Krasniqi said the future protest could be called in cooperation with other opposition parties.