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Police arrest Vetevendosje’s Xhelal Svecla (Telegrafi)

The news site reports that Kosovo Police arrested Xhelal Svecla, Inspection Director at Pristina municipality and member of the Vetevendosje Movement, this morning. Media recall that the prosecution had issued an arrest warrant for Svecla over an action by the Vetevendosje Movement that resulted in the demolition of EULEX vehicles in 2013.

Mustafa to opposition: Return to dialogue at the Assembly (

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, appealed today once again to the opposition parties to return to the Assembly and dialogue for the problems that concern them. During today’s meeting of the government, Mustafa said that certain opposition parties should give up violence and discourse that embeds hatred. “It is in the interest of the country for us to work, improve the lives of citizens. They should renounce from violence and attacks of buildings and of police.

Vetevendosje claims responsibility for overturning another truck with Serbian products (Koha)

The Vetevendosje Movement claims to have overturned another truck carrying Serbian products along the Pristina-Morine highway. “Serbia’s hegemony is unacceptable, be it political, military or economic,” Vetevendosje said in a statement. The Movement said it will work on a future of peace and equality between countries but added that it is unjust for Serbia to continue not recognizing Kosovo and not acknowledging its crimes. Vetevendosje said that its activists made sure that the driver of the truck went unharmed.

Vetevendosje: We don’t have a common stance on boycotting the Assembly (Lajmi)

Vetevendosje officials today denied the statements of the AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj who said opposition parties have decided to boycott the Assembly. Adonis Tahiri, spokesperson for Vetevendosje, told the news site that there is no common stance between the three opposition parties for boycotting the Assembly. "We still don’t have a joint decision as united opposition on this matter,” Tahiri said. But despite different positions with regards to boycotting the Assembly, opposition parties said they will continue opposing the government through protests.

Vetevendosje calls for justice for raped women (RTK)

The Vetevendosje movement on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8 March, organized a debate on victims of sexual violence during the last war in Kosovo. During this meeting it was said that Kosovo institutions even 17 years after the war, have done nothing to protect the victims of sexual violence. The leader of Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, said the issue of sexual violence victims is being treated in the worst way possible, is being ignored and forgotten.

“The regime was planning to bring explosives to February 17 protest” (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje MP Aida Derguti told a press conference in Pristina today that everyone is witnessing violations by police officers in the Kosovo Assembly and especially the attack on Vetevendosje MP Albulena Haxhiu. “Violence against members of parliament constitutes an unprecedented violation of competencies. The presence of police officers and the expulsion of MPs are illegitimate and no measure was taken against such actions. Neither the Speaker of Parliament nor the presidency is authorized to order such actions against the MPs,” Derguti said.

Minister Abrashi pelted with eggs again, Vetevendosje assumes responsibility (media)

All media report that Arban Abrashi, Kosovo’s Minister for Labor and Social Welfare, was pelted with eggs today as he was leaving the government building in downtown Pristina. This is the second time that Abrashi has been pelted with eggs. The Vetevendosje Movement assumed responsibility for the attack. “Abrashi, same as this government, is responsible for the current situation in Kosovo. This government, in which Abrashi serves as spokesperson, has violated the Constitution with the sole purpose of implementing Serbia’s projects in Kosovo.

Vetevendosje says fire attack on LDK Beqiri’s car is “deplorable” (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje deputy leader Driton Caushi has condemned the setting on fire of the car owned by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group chief Ismet Beqiri. “Such acts are deplorable and we call on institutions to act and not leave room for anyone’s labeling or smearing,” Caushi wrote on his Facebook account. He further commented on a statement by publicist Halil Matoshi who seemed to suggest Vetevendosje is responsible for the attack.