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Bislimi to Zbogar: Rule of law doesn’t mean taking directives from foreign diplomats (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje Movement MP Besnik Bislimi, reacted to statements made by the EUSR in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar who criticized Vetevendosje MPs saying they are not implementing the law while not answering the calls of the prosecution. Bislimi said that the rule of law means leadership in accordance with legal provisions, and not taking directives from foreign diplomats. He added that Vetevendosje members didn’t prevent the investigation, but according to him, they refused to become partners to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa's prosecutors.

Vetevendosje: Persons who pelted eggs at Albanian PM are not our activists! (Telegrafi)

The Vetevendosje Movement issued a press release denying media reports that some of its activists pelted eggs at Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana today. “Reports claiming that Vetevendosje activists pelted eggs at Edi Rama are entirely false. No Vetevendosje activist took part in this action. None of the persons that carried this out are activists of the Vetevendosje Movement. We will follow every legal procedure to sue the news site Gazeta Express for slander.

Opposition ignores the Quint Ambassadors (Zeri)

Kosovo opposition will not revoke its decision to block the Assembly, despite the continuous criticism of the representatives of the Quint states. Furthermore, representatives of the opposition claim that the internationals’ request to unblock the Assembly is reasonable, however, they stressed that this will entirely depend if the governing coalition decides to withdraw the recent agreements on Association and on demarcation.

One drama and many manipulators (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that “calls for rejecting the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities by organizing a referendum can only complicate the current situation in Kosovo. People will not vote in favor or against the Association, but will instinctively vote against Serbia – and why should they be judged for this bearing in mind the crimes that Serbia has committed in Kosovo since 1912.

Thaci: Haradinaj and Limaj, Kurti’s close protection (Klan Kosova)  

Klan Kosova has published parts of the interview with Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, which will be aired tonight at 21:00 hours. Speaking about the former leader of Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, Thaci said that it is well known that he has always had an anti-Kosovar and anti-international agenda. According to Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj are acting as “Albin Kurit’s close protection.”

Opposition determined: We will not allow holding of the session (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s opposition parties stated that they do not intend to allow holding of the today’s Assembly session, called by the Assembly President Kadri Veseli, at 16:00 hours.

“It would not make sense to allow the works of the Assembly and normal functioning of the government, if the country is going towards ethnical division,” said Frasher Krasniqi, spokesperson of the Vetevendosje movement.

Serwer: Opposition risking to face harsh state measures (Gazeta Express)

Daniel Serwer, former U.S. diplomat and expert for Balkan issues, analyzed in an interview for Gazeta Express, the recent developments in Kosovo and the blockade of the Parliament by opposition parties. He stressed that with its behavior, opposition is risking to face harsh state measures and lose support in polls. Serwer said that without winning the elections, the opposition cannot make decisions for Kosovo. He however adds that if opposition had the power, they would not request breach of Brussels agreements.

Opposition to the President: No round table without annulling the agreements (Kosovapress)

Leaders of the opposition parties ended their meeting with the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, where they reiterated their positions that they would not set back or sit around the same table with the government, if the latter does not  withdraw signatures from the agreements for the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

Vetevendosje’s Deda calls for joint meeting of political leaders (media)

Vetevendosje MP Ilir Deda said a joint meeting of political leaders is needed to overcome the current situation. “One can see that a solution cannot be found through Assembly sessions. The leaders of the five political leaders should meet and find a solution to the problem through dialogue. The government should invite the opposition to dialogue,” he said. Deda also said that there should be a referendum on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Konjufca: We’ll use all means to stop Assembly session (Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief Glauk Konjufca told Klan Kosova that several days ago some police officers, who are against the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, helped the opposition get the teargas inside the Assembly premises. Konjufca also said that all the actions of the opposition should be seen as opposition to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s signatures in favor of the Association and the border demarcation agreement. “We will use all means to stop the Assembly session.