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Srpska Lista MPs left parliament session, claim they were manipulated (RTS)

In a sign of protest, due to denied translation service at the moment when a tribute was paid to The Hague convict, Haradin Balla, in the Kosovo Parliament, members of the Srpska Lista have left the session, RTS reports.

In a press statement, Srpska Lista said its members were the victims of unseen political deception, at the moment when a tribute was paid to a convicted war criminal, RTS further writes.

Haradinaj: “Happy fire” not a commendable act (media)

In an Assembly interpellation called by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) regarding the use of weapons by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Diaspora and Strategic Investment, Dardan Gashi, Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said that it was not “commendable” for someone to use weapons but "there are some traditions in our life that are still present.” He said the police has already confiscated two guns in the specific case and has interviewed five persons, including Minister Gashi, and that the matter now is with the prosecution.

Assembly sends initiative on specialist court to government (media)

Online media report that the Kosovo Assembly presidency has decided to send the initiative for abrogation of the specialist chambers to the government of Kosovo for review. Head of Vetevendosje parliamentary group, Glauk Konjufca, told reporters after the meeting of the presidency that the ball is now in the government’s turf.

Initiative to abolish court for KLA crimes fizzles out (Tanjug, B92)

Eight out of 43 members of the Kosovo Assembly who supported an initiative to annul the law on the Specialist Chambers have withdrawn their signatures.

The Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office, referred to colloquially as "the special KLA court," were set up in 2015 under the auspices of the EU to deal with the crimes committed by KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") members during and after the war in Kosovo.

Parliamentary committee to decide tomorrow when to review border bill (media)

Kosovo Assembly’s committee on foreign affairs, diaspora and strategic investment has scheduled a meeting tomorrow and agree on the date for reviewing the draft law on ratification of border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Once the committee concludes the review of the bill, it goes up for vote at the Assembly.

Kosovo Assembly approves on principle draft law on religious communities (RFE)

Kosovo Assembly approved in principle draft law on religious freedoms in Kosovo. The new draft law is to replace the present one and recognizes six instead of previous five religious communities. Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said the legislation has been drafted in line with international conventions and the opinion of the Venice Commission. He also said that this law is one of the conditions for joining UNESCO.

LDK leaves Assembly session (RTK)

Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, said today at the beginning of the Assembly session that his political party will leave the session. “During the meeting of the Assembly Presidency yesterday, the agenda was decided based on the power of vote. There was no consensus, therefore we are leaving the Assembly session,” Hoti said.

Commission: There is no agreement on demarcation, only on border  (media)

Head of the State Commission for Demarcation and Maintenance of the State Border, Shpejtim Bulliqi, reported today to the Assembly Commission for European Integration, on the findings on demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

Members of this Commission stressed that the previous commission did an unprofessional job  and that they were not transparent.

Hodza left meeting on demarcation over lack of translation (KIM Radio)

Srpska Lista MP, Adem Hodza left the Assembly Board for the European Integration session as there was no translation in Serbian language provided, KIM Radio reported.

Chair of the Government Commission for the Borderline Demarcation with Montenegro, Shpejtim Bulliqi was presenting the report at the session.

Bulliqi stated last week, the Commission found out that Kosovo has lost part of its territory with the current agreement on demarcation with Montenegro, KIM Radio reported.