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Apology of the Serbian List MP on the statement on arrival of Thaci to Gazivode (Serbian media)

Zoran Mojsilovic, the Serbian List MP, apologized to his Serb constituency today for his “imprudent” statements regarding the unannounced visit of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to Zubin Potok last weekend. Speaking at the meeting of the parliamentary Committee on internal affairs, security and oversight of the Kosovo Security Force, Mojsilovic said that Thaci’s visit was “seen as a part of political process and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina” and that „nothing happened “.

VoA: Besieged Orthodox Church a Flashpoint of Kosovo’s Lingering Tension (Kossev)

A group of pilgrims drove six hours from Belgrade into the former Serbian province of Kosovo – to pray at this church. It is one of the most revered Serbian Orthodox Churches in the world, the 14th-century – Visoki Decani. It houses the tomb of King Stefan Decanski, considered by Serbs – a holy monarch. VOA reporter Jamie Dettmer has recently brought the story to U.S. viewers from the UNESCO protected Serb and world heritage site.

Integrated judiciary in the North: Twice as many judges but never fewer hearings (Kossev)

More than two and a half years after the agreement in Brussels on the integration of the judiciary, in October 2017, 42 judges on Serbia’s pay roll and 14 prosecutors were integrated into the Kosovo judicial system. Almost a year after integration, the Basic Court of Mitrovica still remains dysfunctional.

Kossev portal on last week's robberies in Serb-majority areas

The past week has been marked with a string of robberies targeting residents of Serb-majority villages all over Kosovo. In majority of cases, livestock were stolen, but break-ins and car theft have also been reported. Residents of five Serb-majority areas have been targeted in eight cases of robbery over the past week: Plemetina, Novo Brdo, Kamenica, Partes and Babin Most.

German analyst: Border change bears unforeseeable effect (N1, Kossev)

There will not be border corrections or the territory swap between Kosovo and Serbia because that would leave the unforeseen consequences, Bodo Weber, a German analyst, has said, the KoSSev website reported.

Weber, an expert on the Balkans – European Union relations, also said late on Monday that both Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic and his Kosovo’s counterpart Hashim Thaci realised that there was a significant resistance within the EU, especially from Germany, to any border changes.

The rational-minded Mayor of Gracanica: There are no Serbs in Pristina, Pec and Djakovica, journalists and civic activists deny (Kossev)

"Nope. Unfortunately, there are no Serbs in Pristina. Around 40,000 Serbs lived in Pristina, the same in Pec and Djakovica. However, Serbs no longer live there. And we have to think rationally at the present time, we have to help our people where they continue to live and, as the President himself had said, we will invest more in every Serbian municipality, in every family, in every Serb.

International Day of the Missing Persons in Gracanica on August 30 (Kossev, KiM radio)

Coordinator of the Association of Families of the Killed and Missing Persons, Milorad Trifunovic confirmed to KIM radio that the International Day of the Missing Persons will be held at Gracanica on August 30 at 11:00.

Trifunovic said that he did not know why the representatives of this association were not invited last week to a regular session of the Organizing Committee for marking the August 30th at the Kosovo government building, and where Serbs and Serbia were repeatedly called upon, reports portal Kossev.

Djuric's letter to Bishop Teodosije: Serbs in Kosovo have one mother - Serbia (Kossev)

The third open letter on the same day, reports portal Kossev, this time from Belgrade to Kosovo, and one apology: "The reverend Bishop, I apologize for speaking to you publicly about a political matter," today the Director of the KiM Office, Marko Djuric talks to Bishop Teodosije through a letter sent to the Serbian media.