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Only empty trucks can pass through the newly established crossing (Kossev) 

At the end of May in Brussels was agreed opening of the Mutivode crossing, near Medvedja. Only three weeks ago was allowed the passage of the trucks, under condition the trucks are empty. At the crossing there are no flags, and Serbian and Kosovo police and customs officers are working under the same roof. At the moment only passenger cars, agricultural machines and empty trucks can pass through. In late May, in Brussels, was agreed opening of one more crossing, between Zubin Potok and Novi Pazar, which was used for smuggling the goods.




Bajrami: Kosovo is ready to integrate the University in Mitrovica North (Kossev)

At the fourth ministerial meeting of the countries of the Western Balkans, Kosovo Minister of Education, Science and Technology Arsim Bajrami expressed "readiness" of Kosovo to integrate the University of North Mitrovica in the "system of higher education in Kosovo". This two-day meeting was held in Vlora, Albania, and in the context of the Platform for education and training in the Western Balkans, organized by the European Commission.

Kosovo government: Priština and Belgrade confirmed the agreement on mutual "recognition" of medicines (Kossev)

The Kosovo government announced that the official Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement on the mutual recognition of certificates of medications, after the notification which both parties gave to the European Union, on accepting the agreement. This agreement for Kosovo side means that drugs that are sent from Serbia to Kosovo, now enter "legally on the market of Kosovo", but also that Kosovo "is allowed" to export products to the Serbian market.

Humanitarian aid for North Mitrovica Hospital Maternity Department blocked again (KoSSev)

Delegation of the Students’ Parliament of University in North Mitrovica that was transporting humanitarian aid in equipment from Serbia proper to North Mitrovica Hospital Maternity Department, has been stopped again at integrated crossing Jarinje. The same shipment was also blocked from entering Kosovo on 10 June due to alleged lack of a license issued by Kosovo institutions.

Representatives of the Students’ Parliament were told that they are again missing an accompanying paperwork for the shipment.

Member of the German Bundestag: "Kosovo is the armory of Europe" (Kossev)

German MP of Turkish origin, member of the left wing party "Die Linke", Sevim Dağdelen, presented recently strong accusations against the role of Germany in Kosovo, and also against the KLA. She presented these accusations during the session of the Bundestag on 19 June, in which was discussed the extension of the mandate of German soldiers in KFOR for another year, reported Kosovo media.

Gračanica: A questionnaire over the employment status causes fear amongst employees in health centers (KoSSev)

Employees of the Health Center in Gračanica/Graçanicë are surprised and concerned with the questionnaire carried out in this institution on whether they would be willing to resign from work.

Employees explained that a poll was carried out over their employment status without any prior explanations, aimed at developing a plan on rationalization in the public sector and developing an adequate program for settling problems with the surplus of employees, in line with instructions received from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.


Shots at Info portal KoSSev office in northern Mitrovica (Kontakt plus, N1, Tanjug)

Unidentified individuals fired shots at the office of information portal KoSSev in northern, Serb-populated part of Mitrovica, portal official Nevenka Medic stated on Thursday.

Nedic told Tanjug that the portal's premises were hit by seven shots and though substantial material damage was caused, nobody was injured in the incident which occurred when the employees were not inside the building.

The Kosovo Police Service performed the preliminary on-site inspection and investigation is underway.

Shots fired at news website offices in the north (Kosovapress)

Unidentified persons have fired shots at the offices of the Kossev news website in the northern part of Mitrovica but no one was injured in the attack, sources said for Kosovapress. The attack is reported to have happened early this morning and was confirmed by Kosovo Police deputy director for the north, Besim Hoti. Hoti said the staff noticed the bullet holes in the windows of the offices when they showed up for work today. Editor of the news website, Tatjana Lazarevic, said they did not receive any threats and that she believed they enjoy the trust and respect of the local residents.