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Director of Trepca Complex in Mitrovica south: Trepca is under KTA administration (Kossev)


“The delegation of the Chinese company “CITIC- Heavy Industries CO. Ltd”, the mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri and President of alliance of Albanian companies in the world, Elmi Berisha, met yesterday with the leadership of the Trepca Complex. They discussed the possibilities of investment in the mines,” was stated from the Municipality South Mitrovica.


Patriotic Bloc from Kosovo: Nikolic will give up the platform (Kossev)

Provincial Committee of DSS (Democratic Party of Serbia), Dveri movement, the Association of the Serbian-Slavic solidarity “Gregori Stepanovic Ščerbin” in Kosovska Mitrovica and the Citizens’ Movement “Stara Srbija” from Gracanica reacted to the announcement of the media that the platform of the President of Serbia was completed and that it is in the hands of Prime Minister of Serbia.

Draft strategy on monitoring the implementation of the Brussels Agreement by civil society presented in Mitrovica (KoSSev)

Monitoring of the implementation of the Brussels Agreement, with particular reflection on specifics of northern Kosovo, monitoring of activities of the civil societies and communication strategy, are three main segments of the draft strategy for monitoring of the implementation of the Brussels Agreement, which was presented yesterday in North Mitrovica by its authors Dusan Janjic and Nenad Djurdjevic.

Education and health care to be discussed at the meetings of the four northern municipalities (Kossev)

Today in Zvecan municipality will be held the first extraordinary session of the Municipal Assembly and one of two agenda items is - "the adoption of the budget for 2015 under the direction of the Ministry of Finance." Sessions in Zvecan, Leposavic and North Mitrovica begin at 15 pm, and in Zubin Potok at 17:00.


Student Parliament: The University in North Mitrovica will not integrate into Kosovo’s system (Kossev)

Parliament of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Pristina, temporarily seated in North Mitrovica denies that this University will integrate into the Kosovo education system. This was announced today by the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Philosophy.

"Serbs’ boycott pulls down and Bosniaks" (KoSSev)

MP of the Bosniak Group "6+" in the Assembly of Kosovo, Dude Bala, said that yesterday Parliament did not consider "a resolution on the genocide of Serbs over the Kosovars."

"I think discussion on this topic can bother the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade," assessed Bala, adding that the resolution was not included on the agenda because of the oversized agenda and that it will be discussed at the next session.

Bala said that the Group "6+" did not bring a stance on the resolution, but thinks that now is not the time to discuss it.

Reconstruction of the murder of Zymberi: ROSU, EULEX and others in Zupce (Kossev)

"Kosovo Police unit ROSU, together with EULEX and other representatives of law enforcement structures, will today visit the place where in 2011 was killed a police officer Enver Zymberi, in Zupce village, municipality Zubin Potok. According to the writings of portal Gazeta Fjala the purpose of the visit is to reconstruct the killing of this ROSU member. Kosovo Prosecution Office confirmed information about tomorrow's event to the journalist of this portal.

Administrative retirement of judges who want to go to Kosovo (Kossev)

Serbia is preparing a law for administrative retirement of judges from Serbia who are interested to work in the Kosovo judiciary, which will allow them to be elected in the local institutions, said today the President of the High Judicial Council, Dragomir Milojevic.

"I know that is being prepared a law on administrative retirement of judges, so whoever wants will be retired," said Milojevic.
