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Ferguson: KFOR with excellent results in 2014 (RTKLive)

The United States Navy Admiral Mark E. Ferguson III, today visited KFOR Headquarters in Pristina, and said that KFOR achieved excellent results over the past year, thanks to the professionalism and dedication of KFOR soldiers. RTKLive writes that Admiral Ferguson met with Quint ambassadors and with head of United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and they highlighted the importance of mutual cooperation to increase stability and security in the region.

UNMIK donates vehicle to Slavisa Kolasinac’s office (KosovaPress)

The Municipal Office for Communities and Returns in Rahovec/Orahovac , which is led by Slavisa Kolasinac, received a vehicle as a donation from UNMIK office in Peja/Pec.

In a press release issued by the office of mayor of Rahovec/Orahovac, Idriz Vehapi, it is said that the purpose of the donation of this vehicle by UNMIK is to facilitate the performance of tasks and duties that this office has in the field.

UNMIK donation for health centre in North Mitrovica (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Representatives of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) yesterday donated one vehicle and medical equipment to the Health Centre in Mitrovica.

The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Kosovo, Jennifer Brush, said UNMIK was dedicated to providing support to the residents of northern municipalities, to create more democratic and prosperous living conditions.

The Meeting of the Group of Community Affairs (KiM radio)

Group of Community Affairs (GCA) held its last meeting this year. The meeting was chaired by the Director of the Office of Community Affairs, Srdjan Popovic.

As stated in the press release, other than members of the GCA, the meeting was attended by representatives of the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland and Croatia, as well as representatives of the Council of Europe, the Office of the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, UNMIK, OSCE and the Community Consultative Council.

Nikolic: Missing Serbs issue should be resolved systemically (Tanjug, IRS)

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and representatives of the Coordination of the Serbian Associations of Families of Missing Persons from the Territory of Former Yugoslavia agreed Wednesday that it was necessary to adopt a systemic approach to resolving the issue of search for the Serbs who went missing during the wars in the former Yugoslavia in 1990s.

The representatives of families of missing persons spoke to Nikolic about problems they faced in attempts to determine the fate of their loved ones, the president’s press office said in a release.

What awaits Serbs in Kosovo's Government? (IRS)

In the new Kosovo government, Serb representatives will have positions that will enable them to influence the improvement of quality of life and the position of the Serb people in the province. The main requirements of the Srpska ticket pertaining to this have been included in the coalition agreement to be followed by the hard work on their implementation.

The prosecution of war crimes in Kosovo and Metohija (1): For eight killed persons two years in prison (Vesti online, KoSSev)

Although "beyond any doubt" was determined that the war crime in village Opteruša was committed by a group, the Supreme Court presided by EULEX Judge recently convicted two persons - Ejup Kabashi (designated as the leader of the attack) and Sokol Bitici on two years in prison.