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Vulin: We must not allow reduction of UNMIK (KiM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Defense, thinks that one of the biggest mistakes of the Serbian diplomacy was made during times when Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic were in power, by bringing in EULEX and removing UNMIK from Kosovo, KiM Radio reported.

“This had to be done with the consent of Serbia, and Serbia due to only its and those people who were in power known reasons did it,” Vulin said.

"Pristina's reaction unacceptable, no desire to find killer" (B92, TV Prva)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic says the reaction of Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was "completely unacceptable."

As previously reported by Prva TV, Pristina definitely refused Belgrade's cooperation in the investigation into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Stefanovic said on Thursday afternoon that the reaction of Haradinaj and of the minister of justice of the Pristina institutions was "completely unacceptable."

UNS: How murders of journalists in Kosovo were "lost" (Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), B92, KIM Radio)

Out of 14 killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers in Kosovo, Kosovo Prosecution is investigating 7 cases, three are "in the process of hand-over" from EULEX.

One is closed, while there is no information about the three remaining, the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) said it learned.

These are considerably different data compared to those UNS received from EULEX a month ago when we were told that there were only two open investigations.

Implementation of law, change of administrative instructions and pressure from international community for better rule of law (Kontakt plus radio)

 The EU Information and Cultural Centre in North Mitrovica organized yesterday a discussion on the status of rule of law in Kosovo, Kontakt plus radio reported.

The panelists included representatives of UNMIK, EU Office in Kosovo, non-governmental organization Activ and EULEX.

Ian Bancroft, the EULEX coordinator in northern Kosovo, said, among other things, that the north has a special context in Kosovo, and for this reason the mission has particular presence here and in some way a separate mandate.

Filling out the forms again and again (Vesti, Kontakt plus radio)

Vesti portal reports that the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) recently uncovered another murder of a journalist in Kosovo, commentator of the RTV Pristina, Kristo Gegaj, who was killed in Istok in 1999.

His name has not been recorded so far in any of the lists of killed journalists, and the number of killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers during and after the war in Kosovo has risen to 14, reports Vesti.

EULEX judge resigns citing corruption inside the mission (Koha/Klan Kosova)

Koha quotes reports from the French paper Le Monde saying that a British judge working for the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo (EULEX) has resigned his post citing corruption. “In recent weeks I have reported of several cases of corruption inside the mission. In particular, I have raised the issue of my e-mail being hacked by another EULEX judge. I have asked the British Foreign Office and the EU to send the case to the police. Both refused to support me,” judge Malcolm Simmons is quoted to have said. “EULEX is not a mission to promote rule of law.

EU: An independent judge is looking into allegations against EULEX (Koha)

Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson for the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, said that both EU and EULEX have a zero tolerance policy regarding allegations of misconduct by all the mission’s staff. She said allegations are being investigated at a disciplinary board. “Allegations are being investigated by an independent judge and some of the findings have been admitted to the disciplinary board and I wish to emphasise that all procedures set out in the code have been strictly followed.

Dveri: It is necessary to organize referendum on Kosovo (BETA, B92)

It is necessary to organize a referendum in Serbia with a clear question, do you support that Kosovo and Metohija remain in its own state, Dveri Movement announced, Serbian media reported.

Leader of the Dveri Movement, Bosko Obradovic, while presenting the conclusions of the roundtable on the current situation in Kosovo, said he will launch an initiative to establish a working group to prepare acts and documents for the defence of Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia.