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Kosovo bans the import of products with the inscription ''Kosovo and Metohija'' (Kossev)

More than a week after the introduction of a 10% tax increase on products from Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, the Kosovo government made a decision to completely ban imports of some products from Serbia. Kosovo Trade and Industry Minister, Endrit Shala also made a decision that the trade inspection should not allow the import and sale of products imported into Kosovo with the inscription ‘’Kosovo and Metohija“, „Kosovo UNMIK“ or „Kosovo Resolution 1244“.

Hand grenade thrown at Kosovo state TV chief's home (Reuters)

A hand grenade was thrown at the home of the head of Kosovo's state broadcaster RTK, police said on Monday, the second incident in a week to target the TV channel or its executives.

Police said in a statement that no injuries were reported and no perpetrator found following the incident in a suburb of the capital Pristina at around 10 p.m. (2000 GMT) on Sunday.

The four basic principles of Kosovar politics (Lajmi)

Blerim Shala, member of the Kosovo Assembly and Kosovo’s political coordinator of talks with Belgrade in Brussels, writes in an opinion piece about “the four key principles that according to the people of Kosovo should be respected by all those that want to engage in politics in Kosovo”. Shala argues that if Kosovo politicians, both those that are in government and the opposition, want to make Kosovo a sustainable state they need to respect the principles that are crucial for the interests of the people.


Dialogue or chaos (Lajmi)

Blerim Shala, member of the Kosovo Assembly and coordinator of Kosovo’s delegation in talks with Belgrade, writes in his opinion piece that in parliamentarian democracies there are no alternatives to political dialogue. Shala recalls that in light of major problems in the political landscape in Kosovo, both the government and the opposition have called on one another to reflect.

What should we do with ourselves? (Lajmi)

Blerim Shala, member of the Kosovo Assembly and the political coordinator of the Kosovo team in talks with Serbia, writes in his opinion piece that the key message from the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, during his visit to Kosovo on Wednesday, was that Kosovo needs to implement all obligations as a democratic, European and Western country. Shala notes that during his two-hour stay at Pristina Airport on Wednesday, Kerry made it clear what Kosovo needs to do in the next two-three years. “There cannot be violence and democracy at the same time.

Police arrest NISMA MP Haxhi Shala (Lajmi)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), one of the opposition parties, confirmed that police have arrested one of its MPs, Haxhi Shala. “We want to inform the public that Kosovo Police have detained MP Haxhi Shala inside the Assembly premises. The Initiative for Kosovo demands the immediate release of MP Haxhi Shala and all other MPs,” the NISMA press release said. The news site reports that Shala activated a teargas canister inside the Assembly earlier in the day.

Political elites ready for the agreement (Danas)

Blerim Shala, the Coordinator of the Pristina team for the Brussels negotiations with Belgrade and independent MP in the Kosovo Assembly said in an interview for Danas that negotiations were very difficult process and that there were a lot of problems with the inherited mentality and the transitions in both countries.

You are negotiator with the continuity of Rambouillet to Brussels. Is there a common thread for all previous negotiations?