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Tahiri: By speaking about Gazivoda border, Serbia is recognizing Kosovo (

Edita Tahiri, Minister for dialogue of the Kosovo government, said for that the issue of Kosovo assets was never discussed in the meetings between the Kosovar and Serbian parties in Brussels.

“Such issue was not opened at the meeting of the prime ministers either. Our position on the Ujman/Gazivoda issue, respectively on all Kosovo assets is that we do not discuss them with anyone under any circumstances,” said Tahiri.

Zbogar: Establishment of special court, unstoppable (

Special Court will be established, either through the Kosovo Assembly or the UN Security Council, said today the EU Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, in a conference in Pristina. “From what I’m hearing from friends, establishment of the special court cannot be stopped,” said Zbogar. He said it is time for Kosovo to remove “the black cloud” hanging over it with regards to war crimes allegations contained in the Council of Europe’s report by the Swiss senator Dick Marty. “The court will not damage Kosovo’s image but will clear it,” he stressed.

Thaci indicates 18 April opposition protest will be violent (

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, indicated today during the Kosovo government meeting that the 18 April protest by the opposition will be violent. “I want to emphasize that announcing a violent protest is the worst possible message for the current political and institutional circumstances and for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic prospects,” Thaci said. “Political rights can be fulfilled only through a regular and democratic elections process and not through blackmails, threats or violent attempts to take over power”.

Two KP members interviewed in connection to their colleagues’ death (

Two active members of the Kosovo Police (KP) have been interviewed by EULEX in the case surrounding the killing of KP officer Enver Zymberi in 2011. Sources dais that one of the KP members holds the rank of captain and works in the North Mitrovica. EULEX confirmed in conducted searches and interviews of the Kosovo Police officers. Spokesperson Besa Domi said the persons were interviewed in the capacity of suspects.

Police trying to disperse protesters with teargas and water cannons (news websites)

Today’s protest called by Vetevendosje and supported by other opposition parties has turned violent after the police tried to disperse protesters with teargas to prevent the crowds from approaching the government building. At present, Kosovapress reports that the protest has worsened, with a major clash occurring between the police and protesters in front of the Ministry of Culture building at Mother Theresa Square.

Zbogar asks for an "internal solution" for Trepca (

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar said on Monday that the dispute over Trepca mining complex should be resolved within the Kosovo institutions, with the participation of Serbs who are present in the government and Parliament.  According to, Zbogar said that it is in everyone’s interest to prevent the liquidation of Trepca, which according to him, would cost thousands of jobs.