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“Haradinaj’s story for internal use” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic said to Tanjug that the statements of Kosovo leaders “are intended for internal use” and this is how he sees the latest statement of Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj earlier stated there is no continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without involvement of the USA.

“I would not comment on every Pristina’s statement, intended for internal use,” Dacic said referring to Haradinaj’s statement.

Dacic rules out possibility of giving Kosovo "UN chair" (RTV, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic on Thursday ruled out the possibility of Kosovo joining the UN by saying this was "out of the question."

Asked whether he considers the issue of Kosovo's possible "chair" in the UN to be a topic, Dacic replied: "What chair - maybe a wooden footstool. That's out of the question!"

Asked whether it was possible for Kosovo to "get a place in the UN, without Serbia recognizing it," Dacic said this was "impossible without Serbia's consent".

Declaration on defense of Kosovo, Rakic's reaction (Kontakt plus radio)

Representatives of the Dveri Movement, Otadzbina (Fatherland) Movement and Genuine Serbia party, gathered in Mitrovica North on Monday, to present the “declaration on the defense of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo”. During the presentation, they were attacked by unknown people with stones and torches, leader of the Genuine Serbia, Milan Stamatovic told Serbian media.

The declaration reads that” “Kosovo and Metohija is an inalienable part of the Republic of Serbia, currently occupied, and it is necessary, without postponement, to inform the international public about it (….)

DSS: Serbian president to explain statement on Kosovo membership to UN (Beta, Blic)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) requested today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to say openly, what is Serbia’s stance on the issue of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

“An important step would be made if the President of Serbia precisely explains his statement that “Kosovo would not enter UN unless we are satisfied with something, and we cannot be satisfied if they tell us, recognize an independent Kosovo,” DSS said, asking Vucic what Serbia could be satisfied with, if it has to renounce part of its territory.

"Serb-Albanian relations must be resolved once and for all" (B92, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that "a difficult compromise" when it comes to Kosovo does not mean that only one side is satisfied.

He said that when it comes to Kosovo a compromise was important, "in order to live in peace."

"I would neither add nor take anything away when it comes to what I said at the UN. Kosovo will not join the UN, unless we are satisfied with something, and we cannot be satisfied if they want us to recognize Kosovo," Vucic told RTS late on Tuesday.

Nothing from Kosovo membership in UN (BETA, KIM Radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stated today “there is nothing from Kosovo membership in the United Nations,” Serbian media reported.

“I am almost certain there is nothing from their membership in the UN, unless we make some sort of agreement, and that can’t happen if someone thinks Serbia should lose everything and Albanians should get everything,” Vucic stated.

He also added that Pristina representatives obtained temporary passes to enter the UN building during the UN General Assembly session.

Vucic goes to NYC, to address UN General Assembly (B92, Tanjug)

Aleksandar Vucic is traveling to New York on Monday, where he will stay until September 23.

The Serbian president will have a series of meetings, and participate in the UN General Assembly.

According to Tanjug, Vucic will attend the Sustainable Development Summit of the World Economic Forum and is also expects to meet with Philipp Rosler, a member of the organization's Executive Board.

Albanian lobbyists, Clinton Foundation drafting resolution to make Pristina UN observer (InSerbia, Sputnik, B92)

Following the announcement of internal dialogue on Kosovo, Albanian lobbyists are busily preparing a resolution for the UN in order to give Kosovo a chair.

According to Sputnik, lobbyists in America are working on the draft, helped by the Clinton Foundation, and their plan is for Kosovo to gain the status of “an observer state,” modeled after Palestine.