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"2025 as year for Balkan states to join EU? Forget it" (Tanjug, B92)

Executive Director at the European Fund for the Balkans Hedvig Morvai stresses that 2025 should be forgotten as a date for the Western Balkans to enter the EU.

Morvai pointed out that this should be done because it is impossible to achieve the goal by that time, and that it is not motivating.

Also, according to her, the region is not doing its part, while the EU is not ready to change its approach to the region, because it faces difficult challenges itself.

Vucic: Austria true friend, stances and positions on Kosovo different (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia and Austria have good relations, but that their stances on Kosovo differ, RTS reports today.

Speaking at a joint press conference following the meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Alexander Van der Bellen, President Vucic said he has informed his Austrian friends about Serbia’s readiness to talk about Belgrade-Pristina relations, and that it is needed to reach a negotiated solution.

Kocijancic: Next round when two sides determine (Tanjug)

The next high-level meeting within the Brussels dialogue would be held when the two sides decide, EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told Tanjug news agency.

“The time, place and agenda, as well as the format of dialogue are set by the two sides. The new meeting would be announced as soon as it is confirmed,” Kocijancic said, in a response to Tanjug’s inquiry when the next meeting between presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci could be expected.

Serbian and Spanish delegations walked out of conference over Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

A delegation of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs on Thursday walked out of a conference held in Vienna.

The inter-parliamentary conference was dedicated to EU's common foreign and security policy.

The Serbian delegation, headed by committee chairman Zarko Obradovic, left the conference alongside the Spanish parliamentary delegation because of the way Kosovo was represented at the event.

McAllister: Difficult work ahead of Serbian Government for EU membership (RTS, FoNet, Danas)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister thinks it is very important that in his report on Serbia, same as in the report on Kosovo by Igor Soltes, there is an identical formulation on correction of borders topic, as part of the solution for Belgrade-Pristina relations, national broadcaster RTS reports.

Brussels first time "about changing borders" (KIM radio, B92, Tanjug)

The European Parliament has adopted an amendment related to talks on possible border corrections.

Secretary general of the European Movement in Serbia, Suzana Grubjesic, told Tanjug agency that the amendment was adopted as part of the solution within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, in order to try to "pull out" Brussels dialogue from the deadlock.

Dacic about the dilemma "EU or Kosovo'' (B92, RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and his Romanian counterpart Teodor Meleșcanu opened on Tuesday in Timisoara the conference "Security Challenges in the Balkans", Serbian media reported.

Dacic said in connection to the insistence to reach the solution within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina but which would not affect others, that one forgets that solutions were made which destroyed the territorial integrity of Serbia.

McAllister: Accept Serbia's proposal; Merkel: NEIN (B92, Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes today, in an article ''EU asks Merkel to accept a deal between Belgrade and Pristina'', that European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister has asked the German chancellor to accept a solution to the Kosovo problem that Serbia proposes.

The daily Blic is citing a source from diplomatic circles in Berlin. According to the daily, McAllister, recently met with Angela Merkel and expressed his views on this sensitive issue.

Vucic: Thaci's statement on the "dream of all Albanians" - continuous policy (RTK2)

President Aleksandar Vucic says that the statement by Hashim Thaci that the dream of all Albanians is "a national unity with Albania" is an expression of a continuing policy. He points out that he is more interested in what and will anyone in the international community react to such statements.

"Serbia has become accustomed to the policy of the Albanians, and the world is silent about it," Vucic said in response to journalists' questions at the opening of the conference "Towards Safe Serbia".