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"For 20 years German governments have worked to dismember Yugoslavia, the attitude about Kosovo is hypocritical" (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Germany's stance that Kosovo's independence is a done thing, as well as opposition to border adjustments or division, are hypocritical and arrogant, the Left MP said.

"These messages about the 'finished thing' are hypocritical. For 20 years, the German governments have worked one after the other to split Yugoslavia along ethnic lines, despite EU and UN recommendations not to do so," said German parliamentarian Zaklin Nastic.

Kurz to Tanjug: Austria will support the correction of borders (Serbian media)

Austria will support all the solutions agreed in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, including border correction, Sebastian Kurz told Belgrade based news agency Tanjug.

"Our position is clear: we support everything that the parties agree on, as well as possible border adjustments, if that ultimately leads to a comprehensive solution that would bring more stability. The goal must be to resolve all outstanding issues by agreement in the dialogue," Kurz explained.

Djuric on Haradinaj’s statement: This is not 1999 (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric commenting on statement of Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj that border correction suits only Russian President and anyone who opens the issue of borders is an enemy to the Albanian people, said that we are not in 1999, Tanjug news agency reports.

Bugajski: You cannot simply change borders (Tanjug, B92, RFE)

Analyst Janusz Bugajski from Washington Center for European Policy Analysis does not exclude a possibility that Kosovo issue is resolved by changing the borders, Tanjug news agency reports.

“Let’s see if both sides are serious, and the way I understood it, in line with such agreement, Serbia should recognize Kosovo as an independent state. Serbia should change its Constitution even before correction of borders is made,” Bugajski said.

O’Connell speaks about the idea of correction of the borders (RTK)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo Ruairi O’Connell has continued with his practice of responding to the questions of the citizens on the social network, Facebook. Asked about the recent idea of correction of the borders, he said the position of Britain with regards to borders has not changed.

“Why are you asking when you know the position of Britain. Our position has not changed since 2005,” O’Connell wrote.

Serbian PM Brnabic on Pristina officials’ statements (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told representatives of Pristina authorities to stop talking about Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Tanjug news agency reported.

She noted it should be spoken about how we could reach a compromise that would enable long-term normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Brussels first time "about changing borders" (KIM radio, B92, Tanjug)

The European Parliament has adopted an amendment related to talks on possible border corrections.

Secretary general of the European Movement in Serbia, Suzana Grubjesic, told Tanjug agency that the amendment was adopted as part of the solution within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, in order to try to "pull out" Brussels dialogue from the deadlock.