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Mustafa: Kosovo must be in UNESCO (KosovaPress)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that Kosovo will not give up on its bid to join UNESCO, because according to him, Kosovo needs UNESCO but also has much to offer to this organization. Mustafa at a joint press conference with the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami, said that Kosovo will meet all the necessary requirements for a worthy membership. “The language that Serbia is using against Kosovo's membership in UNESCO is unacceptable.

Mustafa: Kosovo committed to European integration processes (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, met today in Pristina the EU director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey, Angelina Eichhorst. During the meeting Mustafa mentioned the continual progress being achieved in Kosovo, and special commitment of the government of Kosovo to advance European integration processes.

Randy Berry, special envoy for LGBTI rights visits Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Randy W. Berry, the U.S. State Department's first-ever Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex)Persons is visiting Kosovo and met today with the President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli. Berry and Veseli during the meeting discussed the human rights of the LGBTI in Kosovo. "Berry stressed that human rights, as universal must be respected equally for all members of society, irrespective of their differences in ethnicity and identity," read a press release issued by Veseli’s Office.

Current government unable to implement SAA (Kosova Sot)

The front page of this daily notes that no one can question the importance of the Stabilization Association Agreement, despite the legal and political specifications due to the EU’s neutrality toward Kosovo’s status. However, except for the opportunities, SAA involves a range of duties and priorities that should be in the agenda of the governing officials of Kosovo.

Kosovo Assembly ratifies the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Koha)

With 86 votes in favor, the Assembly of Kosovo today ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union. The opposition MPs left the session before the voting process began as a sign of protest to the recent EU-brokered agreement with Serbia. The Assembly also approved the amendment to add the word Republic before the name of Kosovo in this document. Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, said that as a result of this agreement, the fate of Kosovo will be more closely linked to the EU.

Government sends SAA to the Assembly (Kosovapress)

The government of Kosovo discussed in its meeting today the draft law for ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union. The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that they are submitting the SAA draft law to the Assembly in order to be proceeded as soon as possible and for Kosovo to move faster in the integrating processes.

Only 15% of people satisfied with PM Mustafa’s work (Koha)

The UNDP Kosovo and USAID launched today  the Public Pulse 10, a survey  conducted during the period March – September 2015 in Kosovo.  According to this document, only 18% of Kosovo people are satisfied with the work of the Kosovo institutions. Until March of this year, 24% of respondents expressed their satisfaction with the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s work, while in September these ratings dropped to only 15 %. The main problem according to the respondents are related to socio-economic conditions.

One drama and many manipulators (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that “calls for rejecting the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities by organizing a referendum can only complicate the current situation in Kosovo. People will not vote in favor or against the Association, but will instinctively vote against Serbia – and why should they be judged for this bearing in mind the crimes that Serbia has committed in Kosovo since 1912.

Kosovo signs Stabilization/Association Agreement with EU (all media)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini today in Strasbourg signed the Stabilization/Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the EU. Mustafa, after signing the accord said that this is one of the most important days for Kosovo. “Today, my country officially entered into contractual relations with the European Union. This agreement confirms Kosovo’s path towards the EU.

Kosovo’s efforts for a sustainable economic development (Koha/RTK)

“Although until now Kosovo has achieved very good results in many areas, it is still making efforts to have a more sustainable economic development,” it was said on Saturday at a press conference organized by the UN Agencies in Kosovo with the topic “Launching of Global Sustainable Goals in Kosovo”, where were reflected the efforts and achievements of Kosovo institutions in this regard.