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"Thaci’s Serbs became Vucic’s" (Vesti)

It is a false thesis that it will be better for Serbs if Hashim Thaci or Ramush Hardinaj is prime minister, because the problem is a fundamental and systemic. Both of them are for the realization of an independent state and a controlled number of Serbs that would stay in Kosovo, or just enough of them so their international mentors can show that it is a multi-ethnic society," said Momcilo Trajkovic, leader of the Serbian Resistance Movement (SPOT) in an interview with Vesti.

So it does not matter who will be the Prime Minister of Kosovo?

Results published yesterday, incomplete (Indeksonline)

Indeksonline sources within the Central Election Commission (CEC) said the results published yesterday in the media about how many votes each candidate running in elections has received include votes from only 1,932 polling stations.

According to sources, these results do not include the ballots from 458 polling stations that are being audited nor conditional votes, diaspora votes and votes from persons with disabilities. This means that the results do not reflect 20 percent of the overall votes.

Haradinaj closer to the post of the prime minister designate (Danas)

The Executive Director of the Project for Ethnic Relations in Kosovo Leon Malazogu said to Danas that no matter on results of the Kosovo early parliamentary elections, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj, as the candidate of the united opposition, is closer to the post of the prime minister designate of the new Kosovo government than the outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, even though the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK)  won the most of votes at early parliamentary elections.


United in loss (Tribuna)

Armand Shkullaku remarks that the excellent process of 8 June elections has been covered by the shadows of the unknown. The main reason for this tensioned situation is the effort of some opposition parties to proclaim the other side, voted by 215 thousand Kosovars, an enemy. Using the excluding category to justify los, leads towards an unavoidable conflict. Unification of the losers could lead to a victory at the table, however they do not have any right to nominate this as a divine will to rescue Kosovo from evil.

Negotiations on future Kosovo government (RTK2)

Representatives of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) believe that, together with other opposition parties, they will manage to create the new government. In the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK) say that there is still time for talks and that Hashim Thaçi is the only legitimate prime minister designate.

In the AAK believe that their leader will be the prime minister and that agreement of the opposition parties will lead toward the creation of the new movement, said Ahmet Isufi, the candidate for the MP form the AAK.
