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The decision has to be respected (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that despite the announcement of the Constitutional Court yesterday to have reached the decision on President Atifete Jahjaga’s request to interpret the compatibility of two articles of the Constitution, there are indications that opposition coalition will not respect the verdict. This daily notes that disrespect of the decision of the Constitutional Court would have been the first one since its creation and stresses that verdicts of this Court have even brought down two Presidents of Kosovo.

Petrovic: We will request interpretation of the Election law (KiM Radio)

President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS), Slobodan Petrovic said that after the Central Election Commission (CEC) publishes the official results, the Serbian List will request interpretation of the law related to the MPs’ mandates. As he stated, it remained unclear whether it is necessary to cross the threshold of 5 percent, in order to get additional mandates. 

"We will appeal. We will request an interpretation of the election law, due to different interpretations." 

Thaçi: PDK will reestablish the new government (indeksonline)

Kosovo’s outgoing Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, spoke today during the meeting with the governing cabinet about the flow of the elections.

“Also, allow me to congratulate all institutions which are currently dealing with post-electoral managing process, Central Election Commission and all the other mechanisms, for their work on concluding this phase of election process, after organizing the best, fair, free, democratic and transparent elections after the war in Kosovo,” said Thaçi.

Conditional votes counted, AKR remains out (Koha)

The Count and Results Centre has concluded the process of counting 22,000 conditional votes. Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) has managed to pass the election threshold as it turns out it won 1,110 votes from the conditional ballots but New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) will remain outside of the Assembly of Kosovo as it won 1,063 votes. At the same time, recount of 410 ballot boxes is expected to be concluded today.

Concerns about the privatization process in Kosovo (Danas)

Interview: Samuel Zbogar, Special Representative and Head of the EU Office in Kosovo

“The European Union closely monitored parliamentary elections through its observers and we can express our satisfaction with their regularity. We monitor closely current election debate, but it is clear that they are entirely internal matter of Kosovo, as long they are based on the laws and procedures. Therefore we cannot comment them, stated Zbogar. 

The mandates are still in the mist (Vecernje Novosti)

Who will be the Serbian MP in the Kosovo parliament will be clear soon, because it is expected that Central Election Commission (CEC) completes counting the votes of displaced persons and conditional votes. 

Regardless of the number of mandates for the Serbian List, they will not be assigned according to the coalition agreement. The voters, beside the vote for the List, had to vote for one up to five candidates. Consequently, MPs will be those who won the most votes.