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Serbs will get two ministries and positions of deputies? (Novosti)

Novosti daily reported that these days, the leaders of major Albanian parties are in the process of intensive negotiations on the formation of the future government in Kosovo, while the representatives of Serbs say they have not yet received any official invitation for consultations.

“No one has contacted us yet, but of course we will talk to everyone and we will strive to provide the best possible position through the central institutions for the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo” Slavko Simić, President of the Srpska Lista told “Novosti”.

Elections Fail to Cure Kosovo’s Political Maladies (Balkan Insight)

The recent snap election failed to fix Kosovo's political deadlock, raising questions about the  formation of a new government and continuation of reforms.

Last month’s elections failed to bring relief to Kosovo's jammed political scene and with three parties or coalitions each having taken large slices of the vote, negotiations over who forms a new government will be complicated.

Nine of ten seats for the Serbian List in the Assembly of Kosovo (KIM radio)

In the extraordinary parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the Serbian List won 44 578 votes or 6.12%. The Serbian List will have 9 out of 10 parliamentary seats, KIM radio reports.

Members of the Serbian List who will represent the interests of Serbian people in the Assembly of Kosovo are:  Slavko Simić, Miljana Nikolić, Zoran Mojsilović, Igor Simić, Verica Ćeranić, Saša Milosavljević, Jasmina Živković, Jelana Bontić and Srđan Mitrović, reads the statement of the Serbian List.

1,300 invalid votes of Serbs from the North Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

The Supreme Court of Kosovo rejected the appeal of the Serbian list, that is, the request to accept votes of about 1,300 voters who voted with Serbian ID cards in the municipalities north of Kosovo, reported Vecernje Novosti unofficially.

Daily Vecernje Novosti write that this court will announce today the final decision on all appeals, after which the final results of the election will be announced.

Daka: Ballot recount affected results of three candidates (Kosovapress)

Head of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Valdete Daka, said that the recount of a number of ballot boxes has affected the final election results enabling three candidates to gain seats in the new legislature. The new MPs will be Fikrim Damka instead of Mahir Yagcilar from the Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo (KDTP), Slavko Simic instead of Branimir Stojanovic from the Serbian List, and Naser Osmani instead of Imet Rrahmani from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).

AFP: Political blockade in Kosovo after the election, re-vote possible (Blic, Beta, AFP)

The official results of the parliamentary elections in Kosovo "suggest a political blockade," the French news agency AFP assessed last tonight.

AFP explained that "no one can form the government independently, and different political forces look deeply divided."

According to political scientist Bekim Kupini, Kosovo is "at the brink of a knife", and, in his opinion, AFP quotes "the most likely outcome of the crisis is call for a new elections."



Simić: Serbian List will file a complaint due to the election results in Kosovo (NMagazin, Blic, Beta)

According to the final results, the Serbian List has won nine out of ten seats in the Assembly guaranteed for the Serb community.

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said late last night that they will complain about the final results of the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo, because, as he said, they think that more than one thousand conditional votes were annulled.

Ymeri: The will of Serb voters got distorted by Serbian List (Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, wrote on Facebook that the will of Kosovo Serb voters was distorted in 11 June elections through the pressure exercised by the Serbian List. “Initially, this was exercised on other local Serb parties by forcing them to withdraw from elections such as the case with one party who withdrew its list of candidates following pressure from Belgrade. At the same time, the Liberal Party led by Slobodan Petrovic undertook no election campaign at all as a result of open intimidation by the Serbian List”, Ymeri wrote.