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Elections in two municipalities with Serbian majority on Sunday (RTS)

In Kosovo, a second round of elections for the presidents of 19 municipalities will be held in Kosovo on Sunday. Elections will be held in two municipalities with Serb majority: Klokot, and in Partes and Pasjane.

The second round will be held in Klokot, because president of the municipality was not elected in the first round of elections, and in Partes and Pasjane, the election for the president will be repeated after the Appeals Panel has decided to accept the objections of one of the two candidates.

They push defeated ones in the municipality of Partes (Vecernje Novosti)

Daily based in Belgrade Vecernje Novosti today writes, in a article entitled "The Pristina Plan: They push defeated ones at the helm of Partes," that if the Constitutional Court of Kosovo is guided by political rather than legal arguments and it supports the Appeal Panel's request for the repetition of the vote in the municipality of Partes, it is possible that the protest will be radicalized.

Ljajic: I believe more in the threat, than the CEFTA reaction (RTS)

Minister of Trade, Tourism and Communications Rasim Ljajic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that Serbia should be dissatisfied if next year it’s not among the top 30 countries on the Doing business list.

When it comes to taxes which the Kosovo authorities have imposed on the flour imports from Serbia, the Minister of Trade said that Belgrade had sent a letter to the European Commission.

Serbia's president eyes early parliamentary vote (Reuters)

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is considering calling the third snap parliamentary elections since 2014 to further cement his Progressive Party’s (SNS) grip on power, he said late on Monday.

Vucic, a ultranationalist firebrand during the Yugoslav wars of 1990s who a decade later has become committed to joining the European Union, said “people in the SNS are overwhelmingly for elections.”

Vucic calls meeting to discuss "early elections, big powers" (B92, TV Prva)

Serbian President and leader of the ruling SNS Aleksandar Vucic will on November 1 meet with his closest associates, it has been confirmed.

The meeting will discuss whether to hold early parliamentary elections in Serbia, simultaneously with regular local elections in Belgrade.

"Relations with big powers" will be another topic on the agenda, Vucic's close associates confirmed for TV Prva late on Thursday.

KDI criticizes parties for involvement in election campaign and Assembly neglect (RTK)

The Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) think tank issued a statement warning that even four months of general elections and numerous obstacles, the Assembly of Kosovo is not yet fully functional. KDI said that apart from assigning parliamentary committees, political parties have yet to propose names of MPs that would chair them or take part in them. “Establishment of parliamentary committees as Assembly’s working bodies, is a prerequisite to the functioning of this institution,” KDI said.

UNMIK chief calls for free municipal electoral campaign (media)

At the outset of the campaign for municipal elections in Kosovo, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Zahir Tanin, emphasises the importance of the opportunity for all people and communities to elect representatives in a democratic and transparent manner.

He calls for responsible action by all leaders and parties to ensure a campaign free of intimidation and coercion, enabling voters to freely exercise their rights.

EU observers present final report on June elections (media)

Head of the EU Election Observation Mission, Alojz Peterle, presented today the final report on parliamentary elections that took place in Kosovo on 11 June. The report contains 26 recommendations to local institutions aimed at improving the election process in the future. Peterle said political will is required to address problems with voter intimidation in areas inhabited by the Serb community. He also confirmed that the EU would deploy 100 observers for Kosovo local elections set to take on 22 October.

Assembly constitutive session set for 3 August (Koha)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, called for the first meeting of the Sixth Legislature of the Assembly of Kosovo, on 3 August, at 10:00 hours.

President Thaci instructed the President and presidency of the Fifth Legislature, to prepare the proposal of the agenda, in accordance with the respective legislation in power.

Kosovo in crisis if PAN fails, LDK-Vetevendosje coalition, difficult (

Kosovo could enter crisis with regards to creation of the institutions, if the winning coalition, PAN, does not manage to gather required votes, being that coalition between Vetevendosje movement and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is assessed as very difficult to be reached.

LDK officials including the candidate of this party for Prime Minister, Avdulah Hoti, continuously claim that they would not join a coalition with PAN or Vetevendosje.