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Pacolli on eventual coalition with PAN (RTK)

The leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR) Behxhet Pacolli has denied claims that his position against joining coalition PAN, is shaking.

He took to his official profile in Facebook to write that AKR and its partners, the Democratic League of Kosovo, Aleternativa and Movement for Justice are determined on their path for change, dictated by vote of the people on 11 June.

LDK's Stock Grows in Kosovo's Post-Election Muddle (Balkan Insight)

As it remains unclear who will form the government in Kosovo, the LDK appears to hold the key to any future coalition, now that the second-placed party, Vetevendosje, has invited it to join a post-election partnership.

Who will form the new government in Kosovo remains unclear, after the results of the 11 June elections failed to grant immediate power to any one political entity or coalition.

Ahmeti: Veseli’s statements remind me of Gruevski (Klan Kosova)

Shpend Ahmeti, Pristina mayor from Vetvendosje movement, said that the statements of the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli and the others from the same party, remind him of former PM Gruevski from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “Parliamentarian republic and democracy are the same everywhere, majority is a majority. Who has 61 MPs creates the government. This was also confirmed both in Macedonia and Kosovo by the EU and the U.S. Add to this political legitimacy that majority of people in Kosovo voted for change.

Simic: Serbian List with sufficient number of MPs to block harmful initiatives (Blic, Klan Kosova)

Slavko Simic, leader of the Serbian List, which won ten seats at Kosovo Assembly, said that the Serbian List has achieved its primary goal, by assuring sufficient number of MPs to block political initiatives which would be harmful for Serb population in Kosovo.

Hasani: Mandate for forming new government to go to PAN first (Zeri)

Former president of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, said in an interview to Zeri that the first attempt at forming a new government should be given to the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Initiative for Kosovo coalition, PAN, as the entity that has won the most votes on 11 June elections. If PAN fails at forming the government, it will be up to the president of Kosovo’s discretion to decide who he will assign the second time around.

EU observation mission: Elections in Kosovo, generally peaceful (media)

The EU observers said in a press conference today that 11 June elections in Kosovo were generally peaceful. Head of the observers’ team, Alojz Peterle, however noted that a number of problems were present in these elections, namely inaccurate lists of voters, family voting, an increased presence of political party observers, voting of diaspora members, as well as voter intimidation in the north of Kosovo.

Daka: Many reasons behind invalid ballots (Koha/RFE)

Valdete Daka, head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that all election votes have been counted except for conditional ones and those from the Diaspora.

She said the final results would be announced after review and verification of all election material and of complaints filed with the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel. This, according to Daka, could take up to three weeks.