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EU and NATO "strongly coordinating on messages to Balkans"

The EU and NATO are coordinating very strongly on different messages they are sending, including in the Western Balkans.

EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini said this in Brussels on Thursday, after arriving at the NATO defense ministerial meeting.

Mogherini also announced that she and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg could visit the region together in the fall.

Đurić held an emergency meeting with representatives of EULEX (TV Most)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić held an emergency meeting in Belgrade today with senior representatives of EULEX regarding the more frequent attacks on Serbs and open threats of violence that arrive from extreme political and religious circles in the province, stated the Office for KiM.

Rakić ordered the suspension of works on and around the bridge in Mitrovica (KIM radio)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić ordered today the suspension of construction works on and around the bridge in this city, and asked the international and local security authorities to ensure the security of citizens.

Rakić said that the reason behind was a series of serious incidents in the city and that he asks the representatives of the EU to comply with the Brussels agreement and above all to ensure the safety to citizens.

Office for KiM: Attacks on Serbs planned (KIM radio)

"The attack from last night, in which was injured one Serb, was not isolated incident but a planned action with the clear intention to disrupt the delicate security balance in Kosovo and Metohija," said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

From the Office say that it is essential that the police and other security factors in Kosovo, and international missions, to reinforce activities and take preventive steps to ensure the safety of citizens and prevent violence.


Danger of terrorist acts in Kosovo is now "high" (Serbian media)

Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday that "incidents cannot be ruled out" in the coming period, "due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said this particularly in view of the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, adding that the danger of terrorist acts being carried out in Kosovo was "high."

The Serbian List: The aim of the incidents is expulsion of Serbs (KIM radio)

The MPs of the Serbian List condemned the incidents that occurred during the weekend, and aim at "intimidation and expel of the remaining Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija."

According to the announcement, "continuous attacks on the Serbian people that are unsolved are causing immeasurable damage to mutual trust and co-existence."

Protest against frequent criminal activities in Gračanica/Graqanicë (RTV Puls)

On the occasion of frequent criminal activities in the municipality of Gračanica/Graqanicë, that has culminated with an attack of Vojislav Popović (85) in his home, who sustained severe injuries, residents of Gračanica Graqanicë will organize a protest rally, in order to draw attention to endangered safety of the local population.

The protest will be held on 4 November at 12 am.

Kostić, Bondi and Sparks on the priorities of the Municipality of Gračanica/Graqanicë (Radio Gračanica)

Kostić notes, in the meeting with Desk Officers in Washington in charge of Kosovo and Serbia, Kate Bondi and Tyler Sparks that the most important issues for the municipality are the economic links, tourism, culture and that it requires encouragement. In order to raise these important issues to a higher level, Kostić says that infrastructure needs to be improved.

Kozarev informs the OSCE about the difficult position of Kosovo Serbs (Kossev)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev informed the participants of the OSCE Summit "Human dimension" about the problems that face the Serbs in Kosovo and presented numerous examples of endangering the fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms.

Kosovo leaders meet Quint ambassadors (Koha)

Kosovo political leaders from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) had a closed-door meeting today with ambassadors of the Quint countries. Political parties were represented by Xhavit Haliti (PDK), Isa Mustafa and Arban Abrashi (LDK), Jakup Krasniqi and Fatmir Limaj  (NISMA), Ramush Haradinaj (AAK), Visar Ymeri and Glauk Konjufca (Vetëvendosje) while the Quint countries were represented by ambassadors of US, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy.