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Trump will not inhibit Paris efforts on Kosovo (Danas)

Message of the US State Department official Philip Reeker that the US is ready to get involved in the process of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue diplomatic sources unofficially assessed as “America’s direct reaction” to the public initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron to return the two sides to the negotiation table as soon as possible, including Macron’s effort to organize a new meeting on Kosovo in Paris in September, Danas daily reports.

Reeker: US ready to get involved in dialogue process (RTS, Voice of America)

Acting Assistant of US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, Philip Reeker said the US is ready to get involved in the process of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, however they may not do so until the both sides decide to return to the dialogue, RTS reports.

Reeker told Voice of America he spoke recently with the State Secretary Mike Pompeo about possible stronger role of the US in the process of the dialogue.

DSS: It seems France is ready for some sort of agreement between Belgrade and Pristina (Danas)

Leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic commenting on French President Macron visit said it seems that France is ready to accept some sort of agreement reached by Belgrade and Pristina, Danas daily reported.

He noted the stance of the official Paris in this regard slightly differs from that of Germany, however, France still considers Kosovo as a state and took part in the secession of the southern Serbian province.

Vucic on Haradinaj: There is no need to address letters to me (Tanjug, B92)

I wonder why Ramush Haradinaj even cares about me when even the powerful Trump, Merkel or Macron cannot harm him, President Aleksandar Vucic asks ironically. He said this with regards to Haradinaj's observation that Vucic attempts to force Pristina to abolish tariffs, while the mentioned world leaders haven't managed to do that, B92 reports.

"What can humble Vucic do compared to Merkel and Macron? Haradinaj is among the greatest in world politics, I am not. I am beyond his league, so he shouldn't bother", Vucic responded when asked to comment on the quotes of Haradinaj's letter.

Lazanski: Pristina has good mentors and supporters, Europe showed infirmity (RTS)

Foreign policy commentator of Belgrade-based daily Politika and military analyst Miroslav Lazanski told RTS if Washington pressures Pristina to move towards compromise solution then a way out of the current situation is possible. According to him Europe showed infirmity regarding Kosovo. Lazanski added that Americans publicly say one thing, while the other thing is being done behind the scene.

Speaking for RTS morning program Lazanski assessed the situation in the north of Kosovo as complex saying, “Pristina did not spend the time sleeping.”

Mitrovica North residents – Tricks of Belgrade and Pristina (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)

Radio kontakt plus conducted interviews with Mitrovica North residents to hear their stances on the current situation in the northern Kosvo, where all shops, restaurants, pharmacies, petrol stations and market remain closed for the second consecutive day.

“These are tricks by both Belgrade and Pristina. And we shall see who will get the profit. What about workers, what about people, what about goods and who will pay for the goods if they get rotted. What about farmers who have their products but cannot sell them? Shame,” one of the citizens said.

Djuric reacts to arrest warrant for Radojicic, indictment against Todosijevic (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said the arrest warrant for Milan Radojicic and indictment against Ivan Todosijevic are messages to the Serbs that any their resistance is hopeless, given that even local Serb leaders cannot avoid Pristina’s highhandedness.

New Russian ambassador: The West is pressing Serbia and supports exclusively Albanians (Beta, Sputnik, N1)

The West's pressure on Serbia is obvious, and the US and its allies are encouraging Kosovo to maintain tensions in the region, said Russia's new ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Harchenko.

According to the Sputnik portal, he pointed out that these pressures are felt during the pre-accession negotiations that the European Union leads with Serbia, while the Americans are doing it in an even stronger way.

US Ambassador: The US will not lead the Belgrade-Pristina process (FoNet, N1)

The US Government will not lead the normalisation process between the official Belgrade and Pristina, that is the European Union's (EU) job, but we will be there to help as much as possible,” US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said in an interview with FoNet.