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Independence shall not pass (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade to initial no agreements with Pristina which would directly or indirectly mean the recognition of the independence of Kosovo and Metohija, nor such requests come from Brussels – it was said to Vecernje Novosti in the Government of Serbia.

This is the response of the Serbian officials to the statement of Self-Determination official Visar Imery, whose party is likely to be part of the new government in Pristina, that "dialogue with Belgrade will not be continued unless Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's independence."

Serbs to get power through a small door (Vecernje Novsoti)

If Albanian opposition parties LDK, AAK, NISMA and Self-Determination form the government in Pristina, it is likely that the Serbian List wont’ be the part of it, however it doesn’t mean that Serbian community will remain without its representatives in the authorities.

Thus, no matter whether the Serbian List will be the part of the coalition deal with Albanian parties, one post of the Deputy Assembly Speakers must come from the ranks of Serb MPs, be it from the Serbian List or from the Progressive Democratic Party of Nenad Rasic.

Fighters of the Islamic state originate from France, B&H, Albania, Kosovo… (Vecernje Novosti)

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) claims that half of the members of the extreme group Islamic state originate from foreign states, whereas Radio Free Europe (RFE) argues that a lot of them originate from B&H, Albania and Kosovo.

According to RFE data Serbia, with three Islamic extremists, is ranked amongst the states with the least members in the ranks of the Islamic state.

Kosovo Serbs: No agreement with EULEX (Vecernje Novosti)

Leaders of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija held a meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica with the EU delegation. The decision remains that Serbs in the north might stage peaceful protests due to latest EULEX actions.

An hour long meeting between the leadership from northern Kosovo and Metohija and EULEX delegation, held yesterday in Kosovska Mitrovica, did not yield any result. Thus, our compatriots’ decision on staging peaceful protests due to latest EUELX actions in the north of the province remains in ‘game’.

The ramp for Kosovo at the East River (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade is strengthening its activities aiming at preventing new recognitions of Kosovo. Our delegation at UN will have meetings with around 30 world dignitaries between 21 and 27 September. Belgrade has prepared a comprehensive diplomatic activity as the ‘counter-attack’ to Pristina’s plans to provide new recognitions of independence.

China not to change its stance on Kosovo (Press, Vecernje Novosti)

Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Li Manchang said the Chinese government maintains its stance not to recognize Kosovo's independence.

"I know that more than 100 countries have recognized Kosovo's independence, but the Chinese government maintains its stance and does not intend to change it," said Li for Novosti.

According to him, China has a lot of understanding for Serbia's position on Kosovo, and the UNSC resolution 1244 is the base for solving this issue.

Northern Kosovo prepares protest (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbs from northern Kosovo, bitter due to latest EULEX decisions, announce new political battle. Arrest warrants against legal Serb representatives are aimed at ethnic cleansing of Serbs.

Serbs from northern Kosovo will organize a massive peaceful protest in days to come due to arbitrariness of EULEX. The line was crossed after representatives of this international mission have released arrest warrants against the former and incumbent mayors of Zubin Potok municipality, Slavisa Ristic and Stevan Vulovic, respectively.