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The law according to the Brussels (Vecernje Novosti)

Adoption of the Constitutional Law on Kosovo will most likely be on the agenda after Belgrade and Pristina resolve key outstanding issues, because that regulation will reflect the agreements reached in Brussels. The question, however, is whether the content will impact the possible change of the Preamble of the Constitution, according to which the province is defined as "substantial autonomy" within Serbia.

Diković: We will defend the country from terrorists (Vecernje Novosti)

The message of our Army is clear - Serbia will defend itself from terrorism. It should be known by all who seek to sow fear among our citizens and cause instability in any region of our state, said Serbian Army Chief of Staff, General Ljubisa Diković. After the recent assassination of the member of Gendarmerie in the security zone that has awakened fears of terrorism, the head of our army claims that citizens are not jeopardized.

Was the security increased along the administrative line with Kosovo? 

Condemnation of the graffiti on Decani monastery (Vecernje Novosti, Kim Radio)

Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije warned that religious and nationalist extremism presents a serious threat not only to the Serbian people and the Church, but also for all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija: “We expect the international community and Kosovo's institutions will protect peace and Christian sanctities from provocation and potential terrorist attacks.”

Islamic state "has arrived in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Graffiti reading the threat “the caliphate is coming” and signatures KLA, Albanian National Army and the Islamic state (ISIS) appeared on Sunday on the property of the monastery of Visoki Dečani. The Serbs who are living there and brotherhood of the monastery are upset, because lately more than 200 young Albanians from Kosovo joined the jihad in Iraq and Syria, and there are fears that the jihadists could organize terrorist attacks even in Kosovo.

Session of the Assembly of Kosovo without the Serbian List (Vecernje Novosti)

Deputies of the coalition gathered around the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), today will continue inaugural session of the Assembly of Kosovo, but deputies of the Serbian list will not be present.

Their attitude is that they will participate in those sessions for which they will receive a regular call from the official authority, while today's session was announced by certain party leaders.

Dacic: Partition of Kosovo is good solution! (Vecernje Novosti)

“I believe that partition of Kosovo would be one of the best solutions and that it would be in the interest of both, Serbs and Albanians. Such a deal, or a permanent solution of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, could be achieved at an international conference under the auspices of the EU, but also the United States and Russia,” said Serbian FM and Deputy PM, Ivica Dacic, on the occasion of Andrey Sugurov’s statement.

Albania does not consider the Greater Albania option (Vecernje Novosti, Danas)

Albania supports Kosovo's independence, but does not consider the option of so-called "Greater Albania," says Remzi Lani, executive director of the Albanian Media Institute.

- No political party in Albania stands for something like that. It's something we hear outside Albania - said Lani for Danas daily, on the eve of the official visit of the Albanian Prime Minister to Belgrade, by answering the question what is the official position of Albania on the idea of forming a "Greater Albania".