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Albania is not a mediator between Belgrade and Pristina (Vecernje Novosti)

Albania has no right of vote in relations between Serbia and Kosovo, neither it has any mediation role, was one of the things that could be heard at yesterday’s debate in Tirana dubbed “Process of the EU integration and future relations between Serbian and Albania.”

“European Union is the project of peace. The thing that was always in the focus of the EU was peace, and because of that we don’t want to have any clashes in Europe,” said Head of the EU delegation in Tirana, Romana Vlahutin.

Vucic: I regret we missed a chance for improving relations with Albania because of Rama (Vecernje Novosti)  

After the joint press conference incident, when Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić accused Albanian PM, Edi Rama, of a breach of protocol for speaking about Kosovo as independent and inviting Serbia to recognize the territory it considers its own, Vučić posted, in English, the following message on Twitter:

"Today was a chance for us to turn a new page. We regret that Prime Minister Rama’s provocation has led to a missed opportunity, but we would still like to work together for the future of our region."


Rama surprised: How my position that Kosovo is independent can provoke you? (Vecernje Novosti)

Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama said he was surprised that someone in Serbia could be provoked by position that Kosovo is an independent state. "For me it is fascinating that this can provoke you. That is not something I dreamed. It is the reality. Many countries that Serbia cooperates with recognized Kosovo as an independent state," said Rama.

Pristina requests a limited dialogue (Vecernje Novosti)

Provisional institutions in Kosovo and Metohija are preparing new requests ahead of continuation of dialogue. Their intention is to establish a diplomatic relations with Serbia in next four years.

Continuation of the dialogue is not at sight, however Pristina has open its cards already – requests signing of a binding legal document and establishment of a diplomatic relations with Serbia, and all of it should be accomplished in next four years!

Scandal in EULEX undermines trust in the EU in Balkans (Vecernje Novosti)

The scandal related to corruption in EULEX undermines the credibility of the EU in western Balkans, assessed Vienna-based daily ‘Wiener Zeitung’.

In an editor’s opinion, the editor-in-chief of the Wiener Zeitung, Reinhard Goweil, writes that the ongoing affair has a potential to discredit the EU in Balkans. He said that permanent solution is needed for Kosovo in order that Serbia could access the EU, and that this is also a decisive matter for ambitions of Albania too.

Invasion of Pristina onto the Council of Europe (Vecernje Novosti)

Kosovo's conditional admission to the International Olympic Committee only intensified Pristina’s appetites, whose power, though in a semi-technical mandate, do not waste time and daily is lobbying to raise the ramp in a number of international organizations.

As for Novosti said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Serbia will be against membership of Pristina in all organizations, in which it is possible, if it is not in accordance with the Brussels Treaty:

- Wherever Kosovo is marked with an asterisk, their presence is not disputed.

Is EULEX an obstruction now? (Vecernje Novosti)

There is a huge storm in Kosovo at the moment, following allegations on corruption against the international representatives. Rakocevic: Whatever they are, judges of EULEX are better toward Serbs than Kosovo Albanian ones.

Pristina-based media are writing on suspicions that several EULEX officials are involved in corruption. The public however wonders – why is such affair launched right now in EULEX?

Vucic: I warned the EU about the incident (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Incident in the match Serbia - Albania was organized action aimed at destroying stability in Serbia and the region, said Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic. He added that three hours before the match he warned the EU representatives on preparation of provocation. "The intention of the Albanian extremists was to show that Serbia is a country intolerant towards diversity and to humiliate all its citizens," said the Prime Minister in an interview for the daily Vecernje Novosti, which should be published tomorrow and on the occasion of 61st birthday of the newspaper.