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Nothing out of the first chapter (Vecernje Novosti)

General Affairs Council of the EU today will not open the first negotiation chapter with Serbia. Belgrade must make progress in normalizing relations with Pristina, is Germany's conditions, and not all EU Member states as it is often represented.

Serbia was technically ready to open chapter 32, but political consensus could not be reached because of the Berlin attitude, which seek progress in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Germans want Kosovo removed from Constitution (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Chapter 35 in Serbia's negotiations for EU membership "will not be closed until the Serbian Constitution is harmonized with the Brussels agreement (on Kosovo)."

The daily Vecernje Novosti writes that the Constitution's preamble and articles defining the country's territorial arrangements are targeted by this.

Besides the 11 conditions for the opening of the "key chapter, on Kosovo," writes the daily, "Berlin has delivered another demand to Serbia: that our Constitution be aligned with the Brussels agreement!"

Berlin sent 11 new conditions (Vecernje Novosti)

The Brussels conditions for opening the chapter 35 relating to the normalization of relations with Kosovo, based on which should begin negotiations with the EU, are almost "impossible" for Serbia, because many of them go deep into the status of Kosovo. Moreover, together with 11 requests from Brussels arrived even list of recommended responses, which would satisfy the EU.

Jevtic: Encouraging decision of the Serbian Government regarding return of displaced (Vecernje Novosti)

Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic stated that decision of the Serbian Government on allocation of bigger funds for the return of displaced persons to Kosovo in next year is encouraging.

Jevtic said to Tanjug that return of displaced in 2015 mostly depends from created conditions on the ground for the return of displaced persons and provision of the financial means.

Nikolic: We are not ready to violate the constitution because of Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia would have to find another president and prime minister, who would be willing to violate the Constitution and talk with representatives of Pristina as representatives of an independent state, said Tomislav Nikolic.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said today that the EU would expect from Belgrade to complete negotiations with Pristina and to fully regulate its position on Kosovo.

Ivanovic: Keeping me in prison will cost EULEX dearly (Vecernje Novosti, Kurir, Tanjug)

EULEX wants me behind bars no matter what, regardless of the fact that the Serbian government has repeatedly provided strong guarantees so I could be released pending trial, says Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Citizens' Initiative ‘Freedom, Democracy, Justice’ (GI SDP), who has been in remand custody in Kosovo for 10 months now for allegedly committing war crimes during the NATO aggression and bombing of Serbia in 1999.

Serbian community estimates the model of South Tyrol (Vecernje Novosti)

Political representatives of the region Trentino – South Tyrol claim that their model of autonomy can be "exported" to other countries, and exactly this "model" has attracted the attention of the Serbian Steering team in drafting the Statute of the future Community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo (ZSO).