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German soldiers to remain in KFOR, government says (N1, FoNet)

Germany will keep its soldiers in Kosovo as part of KFOR for another year because the situation there is unstable, Deutsche Welle reported.

The German government took the decision to keep the Bundeswehr troops in KFOR because it feels that the potential exists for conflicts, especially in the north of Kosovo, it said.

Brammertz: I think there is no progress in reconciliation, there is a risk to society; report on region mainly negative (N1)

The prosecutor of a UN war crimes tribunal told N1 on Wednesday that his report on the level of cooperation between the countries of the region and the tribunal is mainly negative.

Serge Brammertz, chief prosecutor at the Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, is on a three-day visit to Belgrade during which he has had meetings with the Serbian justice minister, state prosecutor and chief war crimes prosecutor.

Vucic's Kosovo plan at the special Assembly session (Politika, N1)

Today's edition of Belgrade's daily Politika writes about the upcoming Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with representatives of the Serbian List as well as the leaders of all Serbian institutions in Kosovo. The meeting was announced for Friday and will discuss further steps.

As stated by the Director of the KiM Office, Marko Djuric "all subsequent steps will be withdrawn in agreement with the elected representatives of the Serbian people, the representatives of the institutions of Serbia".

EU Integration Minister: Brussels Agreement left 'stuck in the mud' (N1, Beta, Politika)

The Brussels Agreement on the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is left "stuck in the mud" because of the bad messages and tariffs imposed by Pristina, said Serbia’s European Integrations Minister Jadranka Joksimovic said on Sunday.

Serbia’s and NATO generals discuss situation in Kosovo (Beta, N1)

The Army of Serbia Chief-of-Staff, general Milan Mojsilovic and the Commander of NATO Allied Joint Force (JFC) in Naples Admiral James Foggo discussed on Wednesday the current security situation in Kosovo and the participation of Serbia's army in the NATO Partnership for Peace programme, the Beta news agency reported.

''Pristina trying to draw attention away from their own crimes'' (RTS, Beta, N1)

A Serbian ruling party official and Chairman of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun says that the authorities in Pristina are trying to draw attention away from investigations against key figures of the war-time Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) by claiming that Serbia committed genocide.

EU & US failed, Western Balkans needs fresh approach, experts say (N1, Beta)

Europe and the US have tried to put the Western Balkans in order but were unable to do so, and that’s why the region needs a new approach which will recognise the seriousness of the problem and accept that a solution will demand a long time and substantial means, experts agree, the Beta news agency reported on Wednesday.

''It is good to hear the Church's opinion, but it was beyond every tolerable measure (N1)

Journalist Djordje Vlajic assesses the appearance of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Assembly as "some kind of demanding the complicity of the Church in the work that he does with Kosovo".

Vucic says Patriarch understands his worries about Kosovo (N1, Beta, FoNet)

Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Monday he informed the Holy Synod of the Serb Orthodox Church about "all my worries," adding Patriarch Irinej, who said Vucic's fight for Kosovo was heroic, understood him well, N1 reported.

Vucic was present at the Holy Synod annual meeting in the Patriarchy in Belgrade.