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Declaration on reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians soon (N1, NOVAs)

A deputy leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) said late on Sunday that organisation would soon present a declaration on the reconciliation between the Serbs and Albanians which, according to SSP, both Pristina and Belgrade parliaments should adopt.

Marinika Tepic told Nova S television the declaration would be the beginning of the reconciliation process between the two nations.

Vucic confirms he will address Holy Synod, thanks Patriarch for invitation (N1, Beta)

President Aleksandar Vucic confirmed on Sunday he would address the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod on Monday, thanking Patriarch Irinej for inviting him to join the meeting.

This is a great honour and an opportunity to speak the truth, and to respond to untruths, said Vucic.

EU's sweet dreams about WB will never become reality, Vucic says (N1)

Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic said in Tirana on Thursday there would be nothing of the European Union's "sweet dreams" about the Western Balkans countries this summer, the FoNet news agency reported.

Addressing the Brdo – Brijuni summit in the Albanian capital, he predicted that Serbia and Montenegro would not open any new chapter in negotiations with the EU, the accession talks with

Albania and North Macedonia would not start, and nothing would happen regarding Bosnia.

Vucic: My Kosovo solution idea failed; that will cost us dearly (B92, Blic, N1, Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he regretted that his idea of establishing a final compromise boundary between Serbs and Albanians has failed.

As he said, the idea failed because "our people thought differently, and that will cost us dearly in two to three decades."

Djuric: Instrumentalized heralds support the independence of Kosovo (KoSSev, N1)

“The international community has instrumentalized heralds in Kosovo who support Kosovo’s independence,” the Head of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric stated yesterday, expressing his disagreement with their actions and claiming that he is not jeopardizing anyone by saying it openly.

Regimes in Western Balkans say want firmer relations with West, but act contra, panel concludes (VoA, FoNet, N1)

The Washington John Hopkins University’s panel “Western Balkans (WB): Managing the Challenges” dealt with the regional leaders’ real readiness to get closer to the West, adding it should more clearly criticise the WB’s regimes, the Voice of America (VOA) reported on Thursday, as carried by the FoNet news agency.

Mogherini: Pressure on media increases, bloc ready to defend freedoms (N1)

On World Press Freedom Day, we celebrate the essential role of a free press not only as a conveyor of reliable and accurate news but as a pillar of democracy, Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative, said on Thursday.

The UN General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression stipulated under Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Another robbery in Gracanica, the president of the municipality calls the police to react (N1, RTV Gracanica, KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio, KoSSev)

Petrovic family house in Gracanica was robbed and 700 euros and gold worth 450 euros were stolen, reports RTV Gracanica.

The robbery happened last night, when unknown perpetrators burst into the house through the bedroom window, and as the owner said, after returning home, they found window-glass broken and stuff jumbled, from where money and jewellery went missing.

"We called the police, they came and made an insight. We are frightened and traumatized, we often leave the house unlocked, and after this, we wonder what else could happen," Stojan Petrovic said.

Momcilo Trajkovic: Vulin's statement is a catastrophe, it is for criminal responsibility (N1)

Momcilo Trajkovic from the Serbian National Forum of Kosovo and Metohija told the regional broadcaster N1 that the statement by Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin about the delimitation in Kosovo is a catastrophe, and that it is for a criminal responsibility.

"This division opens problems. What means division for us, 80,000 below the Ibar river? Where are we going to be? In Greater Albania? It is a call to us to leave that territory," Trajkovic warns.

KoSSev editor in chief: Instead with journalism, we are dealing with fake news and fighting for security (N1, KoSSev)

Who is standing behind the social networks profiles exclusively devoted to attacking opposition politicians and the media that are critical towards the government? Anonymity on the Internet makes finding an answer to this question impossible while simultaneously increasing the number of pages dedicated to fake news and hate speech campaigns.