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Fierce reactions to Serbian opposition MP’s letter (N1)

A Serbian opposition MP’s open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin drew fierce reactions from the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) which claimed that he made death threats against President Aleksandar Vucic.

In his letter, MP Slavisa Ristic drew parallels between Vucic and the late Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic who was assassinated in 2003 which SNS officials interpreted as a death threat.

Serbia will have to compromise, Kosovo won't, analyst says (N1)

The 2025 target date for Serbia’s European Union membership is not a reality, but it is not impossible either, Toby Vogel, a Brussels-based analyst told N1 Belgrade.

However, Vogel, Research Communications Officer from the Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) added there were considerable obstacles to overcome and that Belgrade would have to make a significant concession, while Pristina would not but would benefit from the situation because there was no balance of power between the two.

Blic: Germany proposes special representative for dialogue (Blic, N1)

Germany has a proposal that a special representative of the EU leads the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations in Brussels instead of the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini, Belgrade based daily Blic writes today.

In recent months, it has been reported about a new format of the dialogue, in which America would be included as a consultant, which would correspond to Pristina, but also Russia, which is the idea of Belgrade.

Drecun: Without progress in dialogue what's the point?

Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo of the Assembly of Serbia, told regional broadcaster N1 that it was uncertain whether dialogue in Brussels would continue by the end of this month, but that the more important question is what will be discussed and whether a move will be made.

Serbia marks Kosovo Victims' Day (N1)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons from Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija have together marked the Kosovo Victims' Day, commemorating the victims of the 1998 Serbian - Albanian conflict in Kosovo.

The Association asked for a monument to be erected for the victims, while the Director of the Office of Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, appealed to the international community to find and punish those responsible for the expulsion and killings of people in Kosovo.